Carolina Broncos

Full Version: post and courier wants to do an article on the ford broncos
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our automotive writer asked me about the bronco, since i drive mine alot and the 50th is coming up. so for all the local guys and anyone else willing to drive to charleston for a huge group photo...he asked me to help put something together in the next two months. i know we have better than 50 broncos in the lowcountry, but some ppl wont even drive them or meet others. so im reaching out to yall...if you want to be in a group photo and maybe answer a few question to the reporter...keep in touch and i will update as things move closer. might get to plug the Carolina Broncos in the news paper Cmon!:deal:
Invite them to the NovRun would make a great article if they could show what we actually do with them. Also its CB4x4s 10th so that adds a little to the article. Or mmaybe as a companion article.
I suggest we get a date set and start making calls to all the folks that are not active on the this forum. This sounds cool I'm in! It also might help to promote this on Classic.
I agree with Dwight. Your best bet is to have him come to the NovRun. Otherwise, you will be lucky to have 5 Broncos in the article.
If I can find and get the motor swapped I will be there wherever it happens. The smoke trail I am leaving right now would likely cause the EPA to right me up for industrial pollution. I hope it does not happen in November during the Deer Rut.
i just spoke with the reporter again tonight...he is still interested in doing a cover story on some local broncos, taking pics and writing about the history and up coming big 50th events. drag ur bronco out, wipe it off and undo the belt around ur tight arse and speak up and lets make a date for all to join for this day?????? im asking for anyone willing to drive your bronco and meet up, afterwards...we can go somewhere for a dinner or something. he would like to do something within the month
Give me a date and I will see if I can make it with my junk. LOL Represent the bottom of the club.

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Hey, at least one of yours runs!

When are you thinking Chuck? I prob won't be good til after the super cel. Still have plenty to do.
reporter wants this done before that event...
Im in if you give me at least a week or so. Waiting on my steering box to come back but everything else is ready to go. I will have a competition with Dwight for bottom of the club.