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The Official Thank You! - Printable Version

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The Official Thank You! - blazinchuck - 04-01-2009

I would like to take this time to Praise all those that brought the meet and greet to reallity. I cant say enough for Matt,Liz,Rhonda,and David for pulling together and handling everything that needed to be taken care of for this event to go without a hitch. Each of them did a wonderful job. I know whats its like as i have been doing a lot of this in the past. I never did any of it by myself(there was always someone whiling to help out), but they wanted to handle it all. And they did just that!! I was very pleased to see that Dennis Carpenter's did a fantastic job of the tours!

A few other names that need mention are JayT and JP. JayT went above and beyond to get this site moved and redesigned in as little as a week or more. Many Props to him and his very understanding wife Jill. And JP, came through again! He just seems to have a way with the crowd as the announcer. He really knows how to rally a group together. I'm sure there are a few others that stepped behind the counter to help with sales and stuff and I didnt get their names...I'm sorry for that-but thank you as well.

I hope our hotdog vendor had a good time...I never saw any sad faces and they always said nice things and thanked me everytime i walked by. I thought they had some damn good dawgs! Hope we can use them again. We are working with DC for next year to schedule a rain date next we have a better chance of having a great day.

And lastly...I want to thank each and everyone of you that took the time to come out rain or shine!! I couldn't believe all the broncos that came out in the nasty weather and a few as far out as 4hrs away!!!! That speaks volume for supporting your CLUB!!!! Thanks again folks!!! Chuck:xyxthumbs:

The Official Thank You! - broncomania - 04-01-2009

yeah thanks everyone !!!!!!!!. i called some of the bronco vendors and thanked them for supporting us with raffle prizes. next year i hope to have stuff to give away in the raffle.

The Official Thank You! - SC74 - 04-01-2009

I had a great time even though I didn't bring a Bronco. It was good to see everyone and meet some new faces also. It's always good to put a face to a name (or screen name).

Thank you Matt, Liz, Rhonda, David, and whomever else helped pull it together. Thank you JayT also for the incredible website work - nice to meet you also. JP - you didn't pull my ticket for the steering wheel so can't say much there :thefinger: j/k... thanks for rallying everybody.

It's got me motivated to get back to work on my project and I hope (no, I mean IT WILL) be there next year.

I like Mike's idea of calling the vendors - I will do that tomorrow also. They may be disappointed that I don't have an order to place, but they do deserve a call at least :xyxthumbs:

I look forward to next year! Thanks everyone :beer:

The Official Thank You! - SC74 - 04-01-2009

Oh yea... Chuck.... is the club out of the hole after the raffle ticket sales and club swag purchases? I know that you have put a lot of personal money up to purchase a lot of things - thank you also!

The Official Thank You! - broncomania - 04-01-2009

SC74 Wrote:I like Mike's idea of calling the vendors - I will do that tomorrow also. They may be disappointed that I don't have an order to place, but they do deserve a call at least :xyxthumbs:
when i called wild horses, i ordered over $800.00 worth of parts. so i think i made up for it. Confusedupergrin:

The Official Thank You! - obxbronco - 04-02-2009

Thank You everybody for another great m&g. My little boy especially liked seeing jp do his rain/happy my bronco is running dance!Confusedupergrin:

The Official Thank You! - snipes243 - 04-02-2009

A big thanks to everyone for an awesome event. personally gave my compliments to toms bronco parts for there support.

The Official Thank You! - broncosbybart - 04-03-2009

i had a great time as well. thank you to anyone and everyone involved in putting this event on as well as to the vendors for their support.