Carolina Broncos
Help promote the Meet 'n Greet! - Printable Version

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Help promote the Meet 'n Greet! - locolizard - 03-05-2011

[COLOR="Red"]The 5th annual Meet 'n Greet is just 4 weeks away, and we need YOUR help! JayT has put together another great flyer to promote our event, so let's get out the word! Please click on the link below, print out a few copies and post them up in your area. Parts stores are great about letting us hang one in their front window. Many supermarkets have a bulletin board area by the entrances. Anywhere you can think of! If everyone posts just one or two, that's a heck of a lot of flyers -- so please get involved, especially those of you in the Charlotte area!

Also, if any of you are on other Ford, 4x4, truck etc. sites and don't see a post about our event, put one up!

Let's make our event a huge success! Thanks!![/COLOR]

Help promote the Meet 'n Greet! - broncosbybart - 03-06-2011

For some reason, my computer won't download the PDF. Anyone else having trouble, or is it just me??? I'd be happy to post some up.

Help promote the Meet 'n Greet! - locolizard - 03-06-2011

Took me a couple of tries as it's a pretty big file. If you still can't get it to work, pm me your email address and I'll send it to you via email. Thanks!!
