Carolina Broncos
One Car Too Far - Printable Version

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One Car Too Far - jdowns67 - 09-02-2012

Pretty cool show on discovery. They drop a jeep into the wilderness with a helicopter and they have to drive it back to civilization.

One Car Too Far - chuzie - 09-03-2012

Some of it is pretty cool but a lot of it, like every other reality show, is scripted.

One Car Too Far - broncomatt - 09-04-2012

I had higher hopes for this show, the survival instructor is good but the yahoo behind the wheel is a joke. He had never heard of a rear axle shaft braking on a jeep? Not sure where they found him but I thought they could have done better. Dought it will get a repet season.

One Car Too Far - jdowns67 - 09-04-2012

Yea I agree the guy driving is a dork. I liked the idea though.