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Got laid off today - Printable Version

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Got laid off today - Timstrk - 10-22-2012

Knew it was coming but that doesn't make it any easier. Funding is gone and the entire company is scrambling to find places to hide people until a new budget can be signed. Such is life at a DOE facility. HOWEVER...... after going through the security outbriefing and signing my life away to not talk about anything I don't really know anyway I gave up my badges and dosimeter. Made an appointment for whole body count and was walking to the parking lot. In the crosswalk with oncoming traffic my phone rings. Can't see who it is so I answer it. My boss, saying come back. Not today. Area manager, her bosses, bosses boss, if you get that, just got out of a meeting and told her not to let me go. My badge expires on the 31st anyway but they are working on an extension. Now I know what a condemned man feels like with a stay of execution. We'll see if the extenion comes through or I'm really gone on the 31st. Uwharrie is more up in the air than ever before.


Got laid off today - jdowns67 - 10-22-2012

Well that sucks! Hope you get your extension at least. What do you do anyway?


Got laid off today - Timstrk - 10-22-2012

DOE radcon. Chase the friendly atom gone bad. Keep folks that have to work with it from taking it home. Like in Silkwood.

Got laid off today - jdowns67 - 10-22-2012

Sending you a PM

Got laid off today - broncosbybart - 10-22-2012

Let us know what happens! I hope that you don't have to move away.

Got laid off today - Bronco Biff - 10-22-2012

Man, that blows. Sure hope things work out for you. I've been in that limbo position before and know that feeling sucks!!