12-18-2007, 06:26 AM
I was looking at the member list and noticed something I thought was rather odd. Nearly all the new members on the last 2 pages have 0 posts. WHY? You joined up to learn. You learn by asking question. So where are the questions? This is the one place you can learn about your ride without the expensive trial and error of the real world, there's an awful lot of experience in these pages if you will just ask. I'm not chewing butt, I'm wanting to see more activity on this site that Chuck works very hard to keep going. OK, so we've hit a little glitch, big deal, that's life. We'll get over it but not without your interest. So come on EVERYONE , post, post, post. Let's make ourselves the envy of all 4x4 sites!! PS I expect some response!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Psalms 27:1