02-08-2011, 12:04 AM
got a call from schoolhouse this morning letting me know that my daughter was sick and i needed to pick her up. so i left work early and went to get her and when i got there her jaw was the size of a softball. so when i asked her what was wrong she told me that her tooth had been hurting since saturday.(she was at her moms all weekend) then immediatly i took her to the dentist and they done a couple xrays and told me that she needed emergency surgery on the tooth. because of the swelling she had to go to oral surgeon. by the time we got there she had a fever of 103 and couldnt hardley hold her eyes open. the doc first stated that he was gonna admit her to the hospital for 2 days right after extracting the tooth to get her on antibiotics and the swelling. but thankfully after he done some probing around didnt admit her but i have to keep a sharp eye on the swelling to make sure it doesnt get any worse. on the brighter side she did enjoy the nitrous oxide..she had her hands up and told me she was racing her cloud car...then after she woke up she looked dead at me and told me not to be mad cause she wrecked it...that was classic..please give her a prayer so she will get to feeling better. thanks for everyones time..asiel
If you can't fix it with a hammer and a welder then your gonna need a new one!