04-21-2011, 03:48 PM
actually I 1 linked the rear (i know:wacko
... originally I was going to 4 link it, but once I tacked the brackets on the frame, I felt like they were rock anchors and didnt like how it was going to turn out...
I went for the 1 link out of laziness mainly, but ended up having more work in it... Doing some brief testing here, it doesnt look to have much roll steering which is common on a panhard suspension...
the 2 things I am concerned with at the moment is how much the rear will jack under acceleration (and if it will affect anything), and whether the heim on the front end will hold up (it is tucked up above the frame rails so it should not drag much)... I will probly be installing a center limit strap and/or suck down winch, and have spare heims to carry to bandaid these things...
Longterm I will replace with a bigger joint if it works well or goto a 4 link of some kind... (ultimately Id like to tube the rear more and get rid of alot of this steel/rust)...

I went for the 1 link out of laziness mainly, but ended up having more work in it... Doing some brief testing here, it doesnt look to have much roll steering which is common on a panhard suspension...
the 2 things I am concerned with at the moment is how much the rear will jack under acceleration (and if it will affect anything), and whether the heim on the front end will hold up (it is tucked up above the frame rails so it should not drag much)... I will probly be installing a center limit strap and/or suck down winch, and have spare heims to carry to bandaid these things...
Longterm I will replace with a bigger joint if it works well or goto a 4 link of some kind... (ultimately Id like to tube the rear more and get rid of alot of this steel/rust)...
Ben...........Big Dixie Boggers........www.MudProMetalworks.com