09-21-2011, 09:13 AM
Thanks for bumping this up and the discussion. Great ideas, Nick. I have been out of town. am up in the big NJ right now...
what time are you planning to be here Chuck? Fri or Sat? that will determine what time we need to be ready. i plan on sendig out a mass PM or 2 beforehand.
right now i have no idea what anyone wants to bring.
How about:
- snack stuff (for while we are working)- cookies, crackers, whatever
- potato salad
- veggie dish
- caserole or something
- beans
- dessert
this is a list to think about. if you want to bring a side item listed, or if you have something not listed, post up. my idea is for one person to take one item.
For lunch we can get a Domino's deal, if everyone is good with pizza. should be pretty cheap. i have a fridge in the garage and keep it stocked w/water and soda (sorry, no sundrop, unless Clay scores some). any adult beverage is BYOB.
Don't be shy on volunteering for a food. right now, nothing is nailed down- it's wide open.
what time are you planning to be here Chuck? Fri or Sat? that will determine what time we need to be ready. i plan on sendig out a mass PM or 2 beforehand.
right now i have no idea what anyone wants to bring.
How about:
- snack stuff (for while we are working)- cookies, crackers, whatever
- potato salad
- veggie dish
- caserole or something
- beans
- dessert
this is a list to think about. if you want to bring a side item listed, or if you have something not listed, post up. my idea is for one person to take one item.
For lunch we can get a Domino's deal, if everyone is good with pizza. should be pretty cheap. i have a fridge in the garage and keep it stocked w/water and soda (sorry, no sundrop, unless Clay scores some). any adult beverage is BYOB.
Don't be shy on volunteering for a food. right now, nothing is nailed down- it's wide open.