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ok, this is the last truck I will ever buy. Really.
Ok, so I figured out what the carb is. Its a yf carter for a ford, made some where from 1946 to the 60's. Shouldent be hard to get the rebuild kit for it.
I found the same hole that is on the head Aziel posted, except mine doesnt have a large hole to fit the sensor. It has a small (3/8) bolt hole that is into a coolant passage but wont fit the sensor. So I used a brass T and put it inline on the heater hose. That wont work in mid summer but it works for now.
I wanted to build a center consol to fit the radio I have for it. But the radio knob was broken (again) so I have to send it out to be fixed. So I scrapped that plan for now and yanked the radio from the rv. Turns out it has a bad channel on it so only one side works and out of the 2 enclosed speaker boxes I had been saving one of them was bad. So for now I have a crappy radio with one speaker (did I forget to mention I dont have an antena for it either) that can only play cassets.:banghead:
Thanks to Aziel I have a 350 rp to put in the rear. That will help with the overall driveablity so I will be tearing into that this weekend. I still need a new rear drive shaft as the one thats in there has a vibration due to the worn splines and the lift kit.
I did rob the tach from the rv so know I finaly have all the guages working and all that I could need for guages. I tuned the carb better and soon I think it will be up to par. :beer:

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ok, this is the last truck I will ever buy. Really. - by broncomatt - 12-12-2011, 11:41 PM

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