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bone collector Wrote:I will be at the beach also on that date hmmmmmm the URE run is somewhere close to that date also let me check my calender and see what I can do as far as the food we got buffalo wild wings, hooters, quaker steak and lube. There are more but these are the places I can think of that also has a place to display the broncos. There is always new stuff popping up so I can drive around and see what you all think. p.s. these are places close to CONCORD MILLS. Clay chime in what ya got that way

I'm in for Buffalo Wild Wings! (Wifey won't let me go to Hooters and QS& lube is way over rated.) Anybody got any objections for BWW? :xyxthumbs:
Psalms 27:1
my dates are so messed up the ure run is in NOV Confusedcratchhe: what if we move it up a week? would that mess up any plans? :beer:
Lifes a garden dig it
the BWW is about 5 min further down (I85) PAST concord mills
Lifes a garden dig it
bone collector Wrote:my dates are so messed up the ure run is in NOV Confusedcratchhe: what if we move it up a week? would that mess up any plans? :beer:

I might be up for coming if yall move it.
Hey - sorry i haven't chimed in before now (never ending bedroom renovation!)

BWW sounds good to me - the weekend of the 18th is out for me but we could do the 24th....let me know what ya'll decide...Afton Village will be a good place to show off the broncos.....BWW gets very crowded there on saturdays so the earlier in the evening the better....

'73 EB
bone collector Wrote:my dates are so messed up the ure run is in NOV Confusedcratchhe: what if we move it up a week? would that mess up any plans? :beer:

OK, what would work for you? The 17th is out! The 31st is Halloween and we can't come then. We can go on Nov. 7th! Let me know what works best for each of you and we'll go with one of those dates! :xyxthumbs:
Psalms 27:1
bone collector Wrote:Just had a thought you think the guys up at URE would drive 40 min down the road for some lunch with us? It would make for a larger crowd and make for some awsome pics

Ummm... You guys need to come up to URE! Even if you don't wheel, a great time is had by all just hanging around the camp fire... there's some free seats too, if you get there and wanna ride along (but not in your rig). :xyxthumbs:
lets get this date on the calender I can do Nov 7th what about the rest of ya? And i hope to make it to URE Jay T :biggthumpup:
Lifes a garden dig it
bone collector Wrote:lets get this date on the calender I can do Nov 7th what about the rest of ya? And i hope to make it to URE Jay T :biggthumpup:

Nov. 7thsounds good to me!! How about every one else? :xyxthumbs:
Psalms 27:1
we're in...the 1:00 time slot will work the best up at BWW....i'll spread the word.....met a few new people lately -
'73 EB

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