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travel trailer owners
So im going to buy a tt when the sami sells to live in on the road for a while. i am looking at 20'and under. 5k is about my budget.
any personal recomendations?
I had a 37' class a and cruised that around for a few years and found i never used the washer and dryer. i never took a shower in it. i never cooked really but microwave and once in a great while the stovetop. i really was only in it at night to sleep and if the weather was bad so i couldnt sit outside.
I like staying in nice campgrounds for the most part. if im gonna go on a primative excursion I can easily camp out of the excursion for a few days and leave the camper at a site.
I dont want a pop up because I did and plan on utilizing the walmart parking lots etc for sleeping when actually traveling. and I like to stop at a rest area and be able to relax and make lunch. I dont want to have to pop up the camper all the time.
I am not opposed to the hybreds but they seem to be out of my price range.
a large frige/freezer is a must. im pretty sure even if it comes with a smaller fridge I could modify it and put in a larget unit.
heat /ac is a must. a sink and flush toilet would be nice. i dont want a porta potty.
Also does anyone know how to figure electrical draw? I want to get a genny at some point and dont want to under rate myself but i want something small portible and quiet like the honda ie series inverter type or the yamaha i think it is.
Any help would be appreciated. i cant do anything till the sami sells but at least I can inform myself.
Eric. :rebel:
I think Rhonda's (redsblue73) new RV biz is starting up this month - in the Concord/Charlotte area... I'm sure that they'll point you in the right direction.

Sorry, but I've got no personal experience to offer my opinion...
we had a pop up, nice..but pain in the a** when you need to get in real quick or heavy rains come.i love the slide-in...its great for 1 or 2 people...but the room sucks when the weather is crappy.we looked at some nice 22' TT jayco-flight/feather...really nice, great room. i would personally get a 5th wheel, better handling,better weight distribution.
77 built 306,Trickflow Cam/Alum Heads/dome pistons/10:1comp,nv3550,duff long arms,3.5" lift,family cage,protofab rear bumper,twin sticked, and 35KM2'sG.D.I.
im towing with the excursion so a 5th wheel isnt an option.
Eric. :rebel:
Hey yall...just had to put in my two cents....this is rhondas hubby...Dave the RV guy. First things first...tow vehicle....I know the Excursion doesnt have leaf springs in the rear...only coil be carefull with the tongue weight. Dealers will sell you a weight distribution hitch but depending on the tongue weight it still may not be enough.
Second...Hybrids are a no no..the canvas ends are bad to leak. Especially older used ones that havent been perfected yet.
You were right to pick a 20 footer...maybe even 24. Just be sure if you find a used trailer to inspect the roof, walls, cabinets, and any signs of any leaks.
If it smells musty you gottta leak. I know you are looking for used but sometimes you can get good deals on new ones and make a payment till you get ready to get rid of it. I know we have some small sportsmans by K-Z that remind me of the old shasta campers....very basic campers but they have all the essentials your looking for. As for and Red use an electric space heater in ours..saves LP..
Geni's are another thing....3000 watt minimum to be able to run A/C and microwave. You probably wouldnt want to run electric water heater at the same time though. 2800 watt you could still run A/C but will probably have to turn it off to run Microwave. We have a small 1000 watt that we use and it just helps keep the batteries charged and maybe watch TV. But its very portable and does all right. The guys used it in Raleigh at our little backyard campsite and it did all right.. I could go on and on but better spare ya..If ya got any questions you can give me a buzz 704-933-6714. I am real cautious about used campers because so many people dont take care of them and good ones are really hard to find. Thats why we in the rv industry dub them all "Turds" ha ha...sorry to be so long winded........later yall
'73 EB
redsblue73 Wrote:Hey yall...just had to put in my two cents....this is rhondas hubby...Dave the RV guy. First things first...tow vehicle....I know the Excursion doesnt have leaf springs in the rear...only coil springs..

no the excursion is based on the f250 superduty chassis and is leaf sprung.
Second...Hybrids are a no no..the canvas ends are bad to leak. Especially older used ones that havent been perfected yet.
nice to know. Ill cross those off

I know you are looking for used but sometimes you can get good deals on new ones and make a payment till you get ready to get rid of it. I know we have some small sportsmans by K-Z that remind me of the old shasta campers....very basic campers but they have all the essentials your looking for.

honestly my credit is chit thats why im looking to pay cashola. divorce, forclosure etc. I had to go to a 'we finance" lot for the excursion

As for and Red use an electric space heater in ours..saves LP..
Geni's are another thing....3000 watt minimum to be able to run A/C and microwave. You probably wouldnt want to run electric water heater at the same time though. 2800 watt you could still run A/C but will probably have to turn it off to run Microwave. We have a small 1000 watt that we use and it just helps keep the batteries charged and maybe watch TV. But its very portable and does all right. The guys used it in Raleigh at our little backyard campsite and it did all right.. I could go on and on but better spare ya..If ya got any questions you can give me a buzz 704-933-6714. I am real cautious about used campers because so many people dont take care of them and good ones are really hard to find. Thats why we in the rv industry dub them all "Turds" ha ha...sorry to be so long winded........later yall
my replys are in red. I might be taking you up on your advice offer when i sell the sami and am ready to buy something. just dreaming now!
Eric. :rebel:
oh and the EX is rated to tow 10k
Eric. :rebel:
The guys are probably waiting for me to express this so here it goes....

Mopar or no car...yea baby...I am a ram man-if ya cant dodge it RAM it!

I will keep an eye out for ya. i know we just sold exactly what your looking for 2 weeks ago for your price. And honestly it was a pretty nice trailer. So they'r out there. Im sure that spring and summer will produce some more. Let me know if I can help ya. Even if ya have to do some repair.
'73 EB
what do you think of the casita's or scamps? i always thought they were super cool. when i have cash in hand i will get more serious.
Eric. :rebel:
Man, I sold a 23 footer early last spring. New top and mattress, new microwave and tires. Let'er go for $4800. Why does it seem like it always happens that way. I live near an RV dealer and have a good friend that works there. I'll get him to keep his eyes open! GOOD LUCK!!!! LOL :xyxthumbs:
Psalms 27:1

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