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cuz1 Wrote:I would still be racing down there but last time I was there you pulled my through the pond with your backhoe. motor filled with mud, sold motor, and bronco after that. Thats ok. I'll be back with bigger and better.
well ,sorry to hear about the bronc. we do play rough, tell the truth, I wasn,t on the backhoe, but I remember you swimming out the window, matter of fact I took your pic, if you want a copy let me know. and I understand that you don't want to tag team race, there is no water that deep on the course april 2, S o:drinkbud: ry
It's all good boys. I'm friends with the yota and zuk boys. We play good together. The whole time I've been running racing slicks and been able to hold my own so now I've leveled the playing field a bit. The hub problems are behind me. Actually in the barn. On this thing drive flanges have fixed that issue. I know the half ton axles won't last too long, maybe April 3rd.
I have a grand total of 2400 bucks in this thing as it sits and if it don't come unglued you boys should have some good pictures after the dust settles. It's usually the lone blue oval down there and it shouldn't disappoint cb4x4 if I can help it.
Stupid hurts when it catches up, and it WILL catch up!

[SIZE="4"]Founding member of the "cheap bastards 4x4 gang''[/SIZE]
[Image: Outalne_017.gif]
« Thread Started Today at 8:19am »

OK, NO HELP ON DESIGNING THE COURSE... so lets talk about the rules, my thought is to pull numbers , the matching numbers will be partners, so no team will have the advantage, start four at a time, side by side, run the course, appox two miles back to finish, pull up to your partner and pass the stick to him, using the process o f elimination by timing lights, open for suggestion to the red neck judge RUN WHAT YOU BRING. no one should get stuck on the course, but if you do, after your recovery you must yield to your recovery man and fall in behind him or them under 4x4 club
« Reply #1 Today at 9:41am »

I know that Jeeps will prob. do better, I wish that those Bronc's, had declared war on jeeps , instead of those little things.

ok, ok , we're all sorry,weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee didn't want to get the bronco's upset with us. we will do our best to play nice with you.Confusedcratchhe: :beer:
mines not upset..just some smack talkin..n good fun.
If you can't fix it with a hammer and a welder then your gonna need a new one!
firefighter2134 Wrote:mines not upset..just some smack talkin..n good fun.

I know, sorry to hear your rig is broke, maybe you could come and just have fun, help out or ride with someone:drinkbud:

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