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Pit Bull Rocker Radials 35 x 12.50 R15
Full set (5) Pit Bull Rocker Radials

35 x 12.50 R15


5,000 miles.

I recently moved to FL from SC and find myself driving up there with my rig frequently. These tires are AWESOME off road and on road in the city, but for long haul driving, they are too aggressive.

Dedicated spare has a surface blemish. Otherwise, they are all in great shape with minimal rock rash.

$1,000 or consider trade for full set of same size KM2.

Shipping on your dime from Tampa, FL 33510

Let's do business! :grinpimp:

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Spare Blemish
[Image: IMG_20140131_172032.jpg]
'77 351w- Explorer EFI, 4R70W, 4-link, lockers, 4.56, 35" MT/Rs with a severe rock addiction.Confusedmokin:
Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.

[Image: sig2.jpg]

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