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testimony for march 13th OHV hearing
If anyone wants to write in to the correct people to show your support to help keep OHV land use open , here is the place. there is a hearing on march 13th to close more ohv land use. you can write to these two email addresses to show your support for keeping ohv land use open. for majority staff for minority staff
write them both and use this as your subject: testimony for march 13th OHV land use.

here is exactly what i wrote to both of them :

I understand that OHV use should be managed, but I want to be clear that wholesale closure does not equal effective management.
OHV recreation is a legitimate use of federal lands, and has been recognized as such by federal land managers.
OHV recreation can be managed and sustainable, while also providing a valuable recreational experience for OHV enthusiasts.
Motorized recreation is a family activity that offers an opportunity for parents and children to experience all that our public lands have to offer in a unique manner.
I am a member of several OHV forums on the internet. There are thousands of OHV users that you guys never even here from. Most of them dont even know about this type of urgency to help keep OHV land use open.
Therefore I am writing to you from all of us as one to let it be known how much we love the land and would really like land use to remain open for families everywhere.
My local OHV land use consist of uwharrie national forest in nc and tellico in murphy nc. I urge you to please listen to all of us in keeping this family of OHV users land open in all states across our great country.
Sincerely : Mike C*** from nc.
East Coast Surplus & Tactical
I'll drop a few lines.
Good job Mike I will follow with same!
East Coast Surplus & Tactical
So what ever happened with those hearings???
'77 351w- Explorer EFI, 4R70W, 4-link, lockers, 4.56, 35" MT/Rs with a severe rock addiction.Confusedmokin:
Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.

[Image: sig2.jpg]

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