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telephone pole fun
So I got a little bored here is some videos I found on my computer of me playing on some telephones. Sorry the video is a little bad camera phone.:rebel:
68 Half cab
Cool, when was that? did you get my pm?
Waiting to build or BUY another legend! :thefinger:
Always an EB fan, lover and freak :notworthy:

1985 Yoda 4Runner :xyxthumbs:
Only you can find a pile of telephone poles to wheel on!!!
'77 351w- Explorer EFI, 4R70W, 4-link, lockers, 4.56, 35" MT/Rs with a severe rock addiction.Confusedmokin:
Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.

[Image: sig2.jpg]
I see the bronco, but I don't see you. You have been to two bronco get togethers with no bronco. I beginning to think you just like hanging out with the cool guys and no bronco.:hysterical:
JohnPaul Got the Pm thank you. This Is in one of your fields in west Virginia, The telephone poles were for a fence that was never built. and is fun to play on them actually this is where I blew up the rear end a couple months later, the only problem is when your done you have to go drag back the poles to the pile and they are heavy. Carl I have actually been to like six different gathers with no bronco many cause it was either broke:banghead:, in a different state, or could not get a trailer to bring since I have no plates. And What can bronco people are cool.
68 Half cab
Next event I will go get your bronco for you.

Are you coming to the rock race?
Yeah I will be there, heard lou levy will be there too. On sunday we were talking to the guys at American wheeler. They mention that james duff is entering an official racer that they haven't announced official announced yet. Where are you camping at?
68 Half cab
Arrowhead campground site 44 & 45. Come on by. We will be there Thursday afternoon.
we will be down on friday, do you know when your running yet?
68 Half cab
Looks like Saturday for me and maybe Saturday for the camo bronco into Sunday. not sure

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