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I think my Bronc hates me LOL

I went to put a new modulator valve on yesterday, got that done then my damn brakes go out on me suddenly, scrubbing like hell. *growls*

So, I go buy new pads & start to happily change them.
Was trying to push the piston back (I had lost my c-clamp) and the next thing I know I popped a hole in it & it spat all my brake fluid out over the ground! :crying:
That made me mad as hell, so after my temper tantrum I had to go out again to buy new calipers.

Luckily the rest of the job went fine :toothy12:
:rubeyes:Not really, it just seems like it! We all have been where you are, believe me!Confusedupergrin:
Psalms 27:1
Mmmm...sounds familiar! I spent about 5 hours yesterday fighting my bronco to change header gaskets. I was hoping the new gasket wouldn't leak as bad. In true "bronco fashion", it leaks worse than the ones I removed. Wonderful!
'95 Bronco -- 351W-435-205, D44 SAS, Cromos, Truetrac, E-Locker
Just burn it to the ground and get another one. Smile
'77 351w- Explorer EFI, 4R70W, 4-link, lockers, 4.56, 35" MT/Rs with a severe rock addiction.Confusedmokin:
Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.

[Image: sig2.jpg]
I went to check my ATF today, and it took 3.5 quarts!! I knew the tranny lines were leaking at the radiator, which I fixed, but I wasn't expecting that!
[SIZE="7"]Are we having fun yet!!:whiteflag:[/SIZE]
Psalms 27:1

Now if I could fill her up without having to take out a mortgage, I'd be all set!

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