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Vacation.A.K.A. one week of no Nextel,e-mails,inspections,contractors,employees showin up late(if at all)or any of the other work related stress.CHILL TIME!My plans are,to not plan anything.
Stupid hurts when it catches up, and it WILL catch up!

[SIZE="4"]Founding member of the "cheap bastards 4x4 gang''[/SIZE]
[Image: Outalne_017.gif]
Enjoy !:drinkbud::beer::xyxthumbs:
Sounds great!
I envy you!! I'm off next week as well but it won't be so relaxing!
Dude! If you get "bored"... gimmie a holler... I give ya a chance at the Rush Hour title! LOL!

I should be in-town (or nearby) all week... lookin for an excuse to get out the house... Wink
66stocker Wrote:Sounds great!
I envy you!! I'm off next week as well but it won't be so relaxing!

I will have plenty to keep me busy, but I can do it at my leisure,which is a vacation in itself.Vicki and I will prolly head down to the beach for a day or so.
Stupid hurts when it catches up, and it WILL catch up!

[SIZE="4"]Founding member of the "cheap bastards 4x4 gang''[/SIZE]
[Image: Outalne_017.gif]
JayT Wrote:Dude! If you get "bored"... gimmie a holler... I give ya a chance at the Rush Hour title! LOL!

I should be in-town (or nearby) all week... lookin for an excuse to get out the house... Wink

After a couple days Vicki will want me to go somewhere I'm sure.Confusedupergrin:
Stupid hurts when it catches up, and it WILL catch up!

[SIZE="4"]Founding member of the "cheap bastards 4x4 gang''[/SIZE]
[Image: Outalne_017.gif]
Did you forget you have unfinished bronco business with me? You have a bronco to paint next week along with some motor tuning and test rides. I kid!!!!!:hysterical:
thanks for the help last night!!!:xyxthumbs:
Enjoy your time off. I'll be in touch about the bash.

cuz1 Wrote:Did you forget you have unfinished bronco business with me? You have a bronco to paint next week along with some motor tuning and test rides.

I should be able to help some for sure.If need be we could spray it over here.I'll get in touch with you in next couple of days.
Stupid hurts when it catches up, and it WILL catch up!

[SIZE="4"]Founding member of the "cheap bastards 4x4 gang''[/SIZE]
[Image: Outalne_017.gif]
I have 3 weeks of vacation that I will need to take very soon. But work is really busy and who knows when I will be able to lay back and do nothing. Maybe later this year things at work will slow a little..
sparkchaser Wrote:I should be able to help some for sure.If need be we could spray it over here.I'll get in touch with you in next couple of days.

I wanna spray some paint too!!! Camo?! :popc1:

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