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well I figured I can say this now since I kinda know what the damage is gonna be so here it goes opening day of dove season I got a ticket for hunting out of season because i was hunting at 9:30am I didnt know on that day it started at noon so I got my ticket I shot 1 bird and I learned a very important lesson that day. That being said my lack of knowledge (as far as I know at this moment) is gonna cost me about $800 :rubeyes: so now im learning this book front and back and will call the number they list if I even have the slightest dout. That was one expensive bird hunt :banghead:
Lifes a garden dig it
that sucks..
Eric. :rebel:
did the book specify a time zone for 12:00? you can fight the ticket bro. screw 800.00 for a bird shy of 3 hours. what douche bag game warden had the nuts to pull that kind of crap. our tax dollars hard at work here folks.
'77 351w- Explorer EFI, 4R70W, 4-link, lockers, 4.56, 35" MT/Rs with a severe rock addiction.Confusedmokin:
Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.

[Image: sig2.jpg]
thats a bunch of crap. i bet that guy hasnt wrote a ticket in weeks so he wanted to pick on you.
East Coast Surplus & Tactical
WOW that sounds excessive. I shoot opening day every year but never before noon. There are a lot of "gray" laws when it comes to dove hunting - the rate of seed per SF is one they have tried on us. He must have had an itch to ruin someones day, but it's all about karma - what comes around goes around. Sorry to hear about your bad luck.
'74 Grocery Getter, '73 Project Buggy, '77 Parts Rig

[Image: Bannerpic.jpg]
yea he said that since it was a migratory bird it could go federal and in the book it says call the 800 # to get time and dates but then it says something about sunrise and sunset but that is just for the days besides the opening day. First time I tried dove hunting mabee ill just stick to the big game. A guy I work with sayes he knows the warden says he is new he use to do masonry work with the guy
Lifes a garden dig it
I think I'd seek an attorney on that one. It would have to be cheaper than $800, maybe he can make it disappear with no record, too. What county was the ticket written in?

The rule of thumb for Dove season around here is when it opens on Saturday, shooting starts at noon, and when it opens on Monday, shooting starts at daylight.
'72 TBA...
hey if it makes u feel any better,the delivery driver for MB Chevy was spot lighting deer down here...which is legal to 11pm,got an 1100.00 ticket for it cause it was 12 midnight!! OUCH!:rebel:
Man that sucks. And that is why it is getting harder to hunt and have fun any more. Even if you try to obey the law they still will find away to screw you.

Did you get to keep the dove? If so that is some expensive meat. Good luck.
the ticket was at my house in cabarrus county and the officer took the bird.$1100 for sporlightin WOW
Lifes a garden dig it

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