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Asking for more prayers brothers
Thanks for the update're in our prayers and hopefully you'll have some news for ya if you need anything

David and Rhonda
'73 EB
Dand Aaron I hate to hear this if you or your family needs anything let me know
Lifes a garden dig it
hope you get to come home soon buddy.
East Coast Surplus & Tactical
Hope you get home soon buddy
68 Half cab
Finally made it home! Got the results back from the biopsy and they were not what I was wanting to hear. Doc says I have a form of non-smokers lung cancer. I'm feeling great and would like to argue that I'm sick. But Doc says that is a good sign and I should start my first treatment of intravenous chemo the 1st. He also released me to go back to work without restrictions, so I guess I'm headed back to the truck mill.
'72 TBA...
WOW...I am so sorry to hear that Aaron. At least it does sound treatable. You will beat it - just keep your head high! Jessica and I will be praying for you.
'74 Grocery Getter, '73 Project Buggy, '77 Parts Rig

[Image: Bannerpic.jpg]
Aaron, so sorry about the diagnosis you received....Now that you and the doctors know exactly what you are up against, they can get on with providing the best treatment options. Stay positive brother, you can beat this thing!! My thoughts and prayers continue to be with you and your family. Please keep us updated as the treatments progress....
Mike Edwards....74 Bronco ($ Money Pit $)
Aaron, sorry about the bad news, but you can beat it. my dad beat his and you can to. i will keep you in my prayers. let us know if you need anything.
East Coast Surplus & Tactical
Thanks guys!!! I've got the 3 greatest tools to fight with: Faith, Family, and Friends.

I go this afternoon for my first treatment. The lady we met with earlier in the week was very informative and answered everything we asked. She said I probably won't even loose my hair. Good thing, I have too many knots on it. My biggest side effect will probably be nausea, but she added that should be minimal with my prescriptions.

I'd like to add that right now I feel great with the exception of a few nerves. I have passed my rehire physical for work and am scheduled to return the 7th of June. I've been working on my Criminal Justice degree and was looking forward to changing careers. I'm still going to work on the degree online, but not sure about changing careers in the future.
'72 TBA...
I'm sorry I didn't see this sooner and I wish you the best on a speedy recovery.Hang in there.
Stupid hurts when it catches up, and it WILL catch up!

[SIZE="4"]Founding member of the "cheap bastards 4x4 gang''[/SIZE]
[Image: Outalne_017.gif]

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