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Looking for a real Job
ok guys im currently in school at a local community college going to school for an AS in mechanical engineering technology. I will be graduating in Sept but i will be taking one class during the summer quarter which i a self study class so i am basicly done in june.

well i have been looking around in the local area and also in the atlanta area but i have not heard anything back yet. I was wondering if you could look in your local papers and see if there are any job opening in the engineering or drafting field that has a website so i can apply online.

and help will be appricated cause im kinda tired of living in the rents house and working in a coffeeshop/food service. also i dont mind moving just would like to stay in GA AL NC and SC area
86broncoII with 2in of lift 31x!2.50 SUPER SWAMPER BOGGERS steeringstableizer, skyjacker ext brakelines, and james duff prerunner front bumper
ill keep and eye open fo ya
77 built 306,Trickflow Cam/Alum Heads/dome pistons/10:1comp,nv3550,duff long arms,3.5" lift,family cage,protofab rear bumper,twin sticked, and 35KM2'sG.D.I.
ok a little good news today I got an email from Southern Company

a little back ground a friend told me about a entry level position for Nuclear Engineering Technican and i applied about 3 weeks ago for the position.

well the email i got was to come into the office and take the NET test which covers assembly, mechanics, reading comperhinsion, and math for mechanics

im kinda excited about this cuase this is the closest i have gotten to getting an interview

I do know this isnt certain because first i have to pass the test first and from what i can tell there are quite a few people that are going to be taking the test
86broncoII with 2in of lift 31x!2.50 SUPER SWAMPER BOGGERS steeringstableizer, skyjacker ext brakelines, and james duff prerunner front bumper
Good Luck on that test. Is there any prep work you can review before taking it?
'74 Grocery Getter, '73 Project Buggy, '77 Parts Rig

[Image: Bannerpic.jpg]
SC74 Wrote:Good Luck on that test. Is there any prep work you can review before taking it?

yes there are prep test to take i have 2 of the 4 test printed and have work on one of them so far the only thing is all of these test are timed and the first test i looked at gave you 5min to do 9 questions and these were assembly problems so you had to look at how each part goes together not easy to do in 5 mins
86broncoII with 2in of lift 31x!2.50 SUPER SWAMPER BOGGERS steeringstableizer, skyjacker ext brakelines, and james duff prerunner front bumper
It'd probably take me a life time, I'm not good at those type of questions. Good luck and if this doesn't work just keep your head up. Something will turn up!!!! :xyxthumbs:
Psalms 27:1
There are a lot of companies going with Behavioral Interviews, my job included (Charleston County Government). These ask questions at the interview that determine your personality and how you handle problem situations. Confusedcratchhe:
Look it up and learn the right way to answer. I simple miss wording of an answer will eliminate you as a candidate. :error:
And yes any Engineering field is a great way to go. Some of the highest paid employees that work for the County here are in my department as Civil Engineers. Good career choice :biggthumpup:
And I will keep an eye out...
Joseph I.T. Guy! "Weeehooo, uh oh!"
josephitguy Wrote:There are a lot of companies going with Behavioral Interviews, my job included (Charleston County Government). These ask questions at the interview that determine your personality and how you handle problem situations. Confusedcratchhe:
Look it up and learn the right way to answer. I simple miss wording of an answer will eliminate you as a candidate. :error:
And yes any Engineering field is a great way to go. Some of the highest paid employees that work for the County here are in my department as Civil Engineers. Good career choice :biggthumpup:
And I will keep an eye out...

i was told by my uncle (electrican out at plant vogal (neaclear reactors and owned by southern company)) that they give you a personallity test that is some thing like 100 questions that will tell about your personallity and he has only heard of one person that was called in because of it and he still got hired but had to go to conculing
86broncoII with 2in of lift 31x!2.50 SUPER SWAMPER BOGGERS steeringstableizer, skyjacker ext brakelines, and james duff prerunner front bumper
Wow maybe I need to give test like that next time I hire because so far Ive had some real loosers! Oh and good luck on the job and the search for a job.
so i took the test today and i think my brain was fried for the few afters the test

it wasnt really all that hard if you had a little more time to answer the questions, the good news is i get to wait till 5pm next monday to find out how i did on the test. I do feel like i did good on the test becuase for most of the sections i answered all the questions there were only 2 sections i didnt complete and from the talk after the test no one finished those sections. (and according to the testing person he only knew of 2 or 3 people to fully complete the 2 sections in 4 years) but i will let you know what my scores look like next monday
86broncoII with 2in of lift 31x!2.50 SUPER SWAMPER BOGGERS steeringstableizer, skyjacker ext brakelines, and james duff prerunner front bumper

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