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Meet the Glocks
[Image: DSCN1582.jpg]

Nothing new, just decided to get the boys out for the afternoon. After blasting a couple hundred rounds they are nice and clean, ready for a nap. The top left is trusty 'ol Model 23 with XS Big Dot sights and a 9mm conversion barrel. Well used, but very dependable.

Lower left is my carry piece Model 33 subcompact in 357 Sig. Small but not shy, with +1 mag extensions it holds 11 rounds of compact semiauto 357 Mag ballistics. This little hot rod is very accurate for such a small package and the powerful round flies pretty flat out to 30 yards.

[Image: DSCN1584.jpg]

On the right are the IDPA twins. Above is the Model 35 40 caliber and below the Model 24 9mm. These extended slide models came from the factory with adjustable sights, 3.5 lb triggers, extended mag and slide releases. They both have full size high cap mags with 15 and 17 round capacities respectively. With the long sight radius and long heavy slides these two are the most fun to shoot with reloads loaded to IDPA power factor specs.

[Image: DSCN1583.jpg]
'72 TBA...
Making a mental note not to get on your bad side Big Grin
Great collection! I have really been considering investing in more firearms; a lot more. Unfortunately, the Bronco and life have taken priority and I have pushed my desire to own an arsenal to the side.

How good of a shot are you? I have a SC CCW but my XD9 is just too bulky to carry. Plus, I have bad road rage. Smile
'77 351w- Explorer EFI, 4R70W, 4-link, lockers, 4.56, 35" MT/Rs with a severe rock addiction.Confusedmokin:
Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.

[Image: sig2.jpg]
My shot is nothing to brag about, but I have fun making noise and slinging lead every now and then.

The XD Springfields are nice weapons. They are pretty close to the Glocks in size and weight. Your choice in holster makes all the difference in the world. Choosing one to fit your body type and style of clothing can take some trial and error. I prefer a leather scabbard style for most of the time. It is an out of the waistband holster, but keeps the weapon high on my hip with a good forward cant. This makes concealing with a baggy shirt or coat easier. I also have a Crossbreed Super Tuck for in the waistband carrying. It works really great, but with an average frame build sometimes it can be difficult to hide the bulge on your waist. Either style is not comfortable or easily accessible from vehicles with bucket seats like a Camaro or Mustang. I'm looking to fabricate a steady mount for my truck that will allow me to easily access my weapon without having it on my person.
'72 TBA...
Nice collection. I went out to Ridgeville yesterday to shoot with some friends. I brought my Beretta 92 9mm. My buddy brought his AK47, a GAP remmingington 300WM, and a 357. I was surprised to see the 300win mag putting holes through the side of a 3in thick concrete ditch pipe.
I think my issue is the holster. I don't have anything good. it is all bulky nylon crap. I really need to find a good fitted leather holster. I just hate the thought of paying all that money into multiple holsters trying to find the right one.
'77 351w- Explorer EFI, 4R70W, 4-link, lockers, 4.56, 35" MT/Rs with a severe rock addiction.Confusedmokin:
Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.

[Image: sig2.jpg]
X2 on the crossbreed holster just got for a 1911
68 Half cab
nice glock collection. ive got a model 31 in 357 sig and a model 39 in .45 gap
East Coast Surplus & Tactical

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