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If I stick the Bronco, i don't see how any toyotas are gonna be much help. Unless you're gonna wd em up and stick em under my tires. oh thats right yall have heeps there too. I'm sure that will make everything better. Jeep drivers take the best pictures. In the parking lot.:thefinger:
Stupid hurts when it catches up, and it WILL catch up!

[SIZE="4"]Founding member of the "cheap bastards 4x4 gang''[/SIZE]
[Image: Outalne_017.gif]
sparkchaser Wrote:Jeep drivers take the best pictures. In the parking lot.:thefinger:

those are known as "poser" pics. Lmao
If you can't fix it with a hammer and a welder then your gonna need a new one!
sparkchaser Wrote:Well it looks like this is gonna get ugly. You may have to order up some new mudholes cause these are gonna get stomped dry.

WELLLLLLLLLLLL why you taken it out on me, I didn't put you in a bronco, and I know the swea:banghead:t is starting to get in your eyes, But, Just Saying , the bronco thing may be over rated., just hate to put my money on the 4 bangers, maybe you should just apologize to every one, and let by gones be by gones I'd sure hate to to turn this over to the jeep guys. and a bunch of lol's to you bronco guys
"" JUST SAYING "" i HOPE YOU boys don't have thin skin, and that I didn't hurt you feelings:beer::rubeyes::hysterical:
It's all good Larry. There ain't no tree hunger over here like on that"other brand" forum. You Prolly won't get in trouble with us like you did with the je, I mean other guys. Just sayin.:xyxthumbs:
Stupid hurts when it catches up, and it WILL catch up!

[SIZE="4"]Founding member of the "cheap bastards 4x4 gang''[/SIZE]
[Image: Outalne_017.gif]
WELL, HE WAS A LITTLE HARSH, but some do seek and destroy, anyhow I'm glad no one is po-ed maybe a little scarrred, cuz they haven't had much to say,I think if I posated those pics over here, they would have a better idea what would happen to them at the carolina backwoods, JUST SAYING !!!.
i know i should be nicer, BUT i'VE had such a good time, I just can't help my self. and those pics of that bronc is very very funny, I do apologize to every one, WIFE, said I'm supposed to talk you into coming not scarre you away. REALLY we won't be that hard on you, but I'm forced to post this last one--NAW , not really:bdent:Confusedcratchhe::beer:
I'm really trying to stop doin this:rubeyes:

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[ Exalt | Smite ] Re: BRONCO'S GOES AFTER TOYS ZUK'S ""War"" declare
« Reply #46 Yesterday at 6:45pm »

Yeah,ya got me with the first one there. As far as the other two, well I'll let you take that up with the bearded feller cause he was drivin that one . I actually buried it twice that day. The second one took the backhoe. :rebel:
I would still be racing down there but last time I was there you pulled my through the pond with your backhoe. motor filled with mud, sold motor, and bronco after that. Thats ok. I'll be back with bigger and better.
:hysterical:its only a war if something fights back...other than that its just shock and aweConfusedmokin:
If you can't fix it with a hammer and a welder then your gonna need a new one!

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