o last sunday night some knuckle heads tried to steal my truck, right out of t to turn thhe driveway. i have always left my truck unlocked, since i rarely have anyting of value inside, and everything has anti theft features nowadays. i have always assumed that people are generally bright enough to know that they arent gonna get around those with out special tools...
anyway, they used a large flat blade screwdriver to destroy the steering column, in an effort to turn the ignition cylinder. i got the estimate 2 days ago,, and it comes out to 1275 bucks. best part is i recently paid the truck off, and therefore dropped my insurance down to liability only... so now i get to pay out of pocket for some jackass's antics.
i am thankful that they werent actually able to take off with it, cuz then id just be effed on a truck completly. i guess im gonna put the insurance back up to full coverage this week...
the whole thing's just disgustingly annoying... what a bummer...
oh yeah i meant to mention, they didnt steal anything out of the truck. i just happened to have recieved a delivery from ruffstuff.com that included 4 heim joints. the joints were in the floorboard of the truck cuz i forgot about them before i went to bed, and there was also 8 packs of marlboros in the door from the carton i bought 2 days earlier. they didnt steal either of them. they didnt take a thing. just destroyed the steering column, tripped the antitheft mechanism, and ruined my week... a-holes...

anyway, they used a large flat blade screwdriver to destroy the steering column, in an effort to turn the ignition cylinder. i got the estimate 2 days ago,, and it comes out to 1275 bucks. best part is i recently paid the truck off, and therefore dropped my insurance down to liability only... so now i get to pay out of pocket for some jackass's antics.
i am thankful that they werent actually able to take off with it, cuz then id just be effed on a truck completly. i guess im gonna put the insurance back up to full coverage this week...
the whole thing's just disgustingly annoying... what a bummer...
oh yeah i meant to mention, they didnt steal anything out of the truck. i just happened to have recieved a delivery from ruffstuff.com that included 4 heim joints. the joints were in the floorboard of the truck cuz i forgot about them before i went to bed, and there was also 8 packs of marlboros in the door from the carton i bought 2 days earlier. they didnt steal either of them. they didnt take a thing. just destroyed the steering column, tripped the antitheft mechanism, and ruined my week... a-holes...
My Build Thread-
You're gonna have to be more specific... 11/12/11
You're gonna have to be more specific... 11/12/11