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Rt. Knee Replacement
Hey everybody I talked with Clint tonight onthe phone ! Everything went GREAT Big Grin & he should be out Friday...He didn't know if he was going home or to Rehab........I think he misses us.. :lol: keep him in your prayers still.........Dean
DeTowman Wrote:Hey everybody I talked with Clint tonight onthe phone ! Everything went GREAT Big Grin & he should be out Friday...He didn't know if he was going home or to Rehab........I think he misses us.. :lol: keep him in your prayers still.........Dean

I tried all the way up to almost 9pm(I know-should let him rest) but the phone stayed busy...maybe he took it off the hook :lol:
77 built 306,Trickflow Cam/Alum Heads/dome pistons/10:1comp,nv3550,duff long arms,3.5" lift,family cage,protofab rear bumper,twin sticked, and 35KM2'sG.D.I.
I finally got to talk with Clint Big Grin He sound like he was in good spirits. He cant wait to get online again 8) He told me tell everyone hey!!!! Hurry back buddy!!! Chuck
77 built 306,Trickflow Cam/Alum Heads/dome pistons/10:1comp,nv3550,duff long arms,3.5" lift,family cage,protofab rear bumper,twin sticked, and 35KM2'sG.D.I.
I'M BACK!!!!! Smile Everything went great and yes Dean, I did miss you guys. Thanks so much to Dean and Chuck who went to the trouble to give me a call. That really meant a lot. I'll be doing rehab at home for 2 weeks then go to an outpatient rehab for 2 more weeks. I've got too much going on to be lying around in the bed. We've got 2 maybe 3 meetings coming up soon and I don't want to miss any of'em!! Smile It's great to be back!!
Psalms 27:1
Good to hear from you and hear that all went well. You'll be up and running :wink: in no time! Look forward to meeting you at the upcoming events. Hope your PT goes well.
'74 Grocery Getter, '73 Project Buggy, '77 Parts Rig

[Image: Bannerpic.jpg]
welcome back clint. glad all is well for you.
East Coast Surplus & Tactical
We;lcome Back Clint......we've missed you online....please do as the doc says so you can meet up with us soon.......take care Smile

'73 EB
Hey buddy...great news glad your back hope to see you soon
Waiting to build or BUY another legend! :thefinger:
Always an EB fan, lover and freak :notworthy:

1985 Yoda 4Runner :xyxthumbs:
welcome back Clint, looking forward to seeing the knee at the next meeting
Thanks to all of you. It really means a lot to know that all of you are pulling for me. Smile
Psalms 27:1

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