broncosbybart Wrote:Sounded like he would promise or say 1 thing but then do another, to say it ambiguously.
$45 should buy a fair bit of land in the mountains of Peru or somewhere similar. Of course you'd be our transport there and back 
He can kinda be that way. I never needed anything form him that mattered to much, but he always gave me the vibe of not caring if he pissed me off. that place is a hot spot for quads, adn always packed. Some of the folks there have a somewhat brash personality kinda like the guy up at gulches. However, they have turned a unkown systme of trails and racetracks in GA into easily one fo the biggest riding parks in the southeast.
Shady might not be the word i would use... He is kinda a Jerk for sure, but we all know how our peers are. we all want trails, we want campsites, and we want free reign. we talk real sweet and professional to get it, but many of us still get disappointed and upset and even a lil whiny when we dont get exactly our way.
I'm not defending the guy at all, or calling Charles' friends liars or problematic. i'm just saying he can be a jerk, but there are always two sides. I am more-so saying that if they can help with tellico as well as they have grown their own park, then we will have a great trail system in a few months in a very storied location.
Bottom-line i have faith. I beleive we will get some peice of tellico back... that is all...

And yes Chuzie, if the Hell Week thing ever gets off the ground, then i am interested as a driver or passenger, depending on if can get EFI, 5spd, and Locked between now and then...
I got the winch & 35's already... If the bronco isn't ready, then i would be interested in riding spotter for whoever goes and needs one...