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Midnight Security Patrol in Grenaco Village.
I just went on a security patrol around the yard and heard a commotion under the lean to at the back of the shop. My first thought was it must be a couple of the feral cats i have been seeing around having a little disagreement, I slipped in with a flashlight and spied one of my black game hens laying on her back struggling. On closer inspection I saw that she had a black snake coiled around her about 6 or 8 times. This is where the story takes on a note of humor, I reached down and got ahold of the hens legs and proceeded to shake the said snake off of her, Note I am standing there in my drawers and flip flops with a hen in one hand and a flashlight in the other. Well needless to say when the snake hit the ground where do you think it went. Yep about half way up my right leg,By now there is surely a commotion going on in this lean to..Some how I managed to not so gently let go of the hen while runnin with both feet off the ground. I swear I was levitating and not getting any where. And during all this somehow i found myself with a shovel handle in my hand. The violence started at this time. It was not dead when i lost sight of it but I am sure it was mortally wounded. I then gently picked the hen up from where she had settled and checked her out. She recovered fully after a few minutes and started showing her appreciation by repeatedly pecking me. Ahh the joys of keeping a flock of back yard chickens and living in Grenaco Village. This story is absolutely true, it happened a little after midnight and if anything it is minimalised in the interest of brevity. Do any of you want to go on a midnight security patrol with me. If so let me know. Sincerely, Dwight Thompson
I'm good. Don't need to flesh out the vision of you in your skivvies.

Brought back memories of watching scooby-doo as a kid. Shaggy would do a run like that at least once an episode.
Hilarious! I will roll with you anytime, but you gotta be wearing pants!

What kind of snake?

Sent from my GS3 on Cyanogenmod with the older / better version of Tapatalk!
'77 351w- Explorer EFI, 4R70W, 4-link, lockers, 4.56, 35" MT/Rs with a severe rock addiction.Confusedmokin:
Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.

[Image: sig2.jpg]
It was 6 or 7 foot long and black, also was wrapped around a 6 or 7 lb hen so I am guessing Chicken snake.

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