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MEB East Coast Bronco Roundup
MEB is holding the East Coast Bronco Roundup at The Cove Campground in Gore VA. This is the same place that the Big Dogs Events are held. It's really a unique place with camping and trails all in the same place, and it is only open to wheeling a few times per year. It really is a fun event to attend.

The Roundup is filled with activities such as:

Daily Guided Trail rides
Judged Rock Challenge Course (Contact us for vehicle requirements and pre-registration)
Scored RTI Ramp Challenge
Show and Shine Classes - Stock, Street, Trail (Sign up at event)
Group Photo Session
Friday Evening Cookout
Saturday Dinner
Saturday Evening Prize Drawing & Awards
Kids' activities at the Campground will include arts and crafts, games and a fishing tournament.
And Much Much More!

The Cove Family Campground and Trails are on 6,000 acres of private wooded legal land.
And has;
56 Intermediate & Advanced trails
36 Stock & Beginner trails.
Trails start right from the campground, so there is no need to go back on any highway during the event. This is a private area and the property is closed to public four-wheeling at ANY other time of the year.

To register or for more information go to the MEB Website
To register or for more information go to the MEB Website

i couldnt sign up Confusedcratchhe:
East Coast Surplus & Tactical
There are a couple of pages with links to other pages with Roundup information before you actually get to get to the registration page and one of them is hard to spot sometimes.

Here is a direct link to the information page with event fees and camping fees:
Click on the gray box at the bottom of the page to start the registration process.
who on here is going ???????? how many rigs usually show up ????
East Coast Surplus & Tactical
June 19-21, 2008
are the dates

gore va is 5.5 hours from my area.
East Coast Surplus & Tactical
broncomania Wrote:who on here is going ???????? how many rigs usually show up ????

Well, I'm going for sure. leaving Greensboro early Wed. AM to help with setup, etc, returning Sunday afternoon.

Should have around 65-70 rigs which down from previous years, I'm sure gas prices have a lot to do with it. We usually split into several groups based on difficulty of trails and try to keep them with no more than 10 rigs in any one group
Any one here going this year?
68 Half cab
I'm not going to make it :crying:
79 FS 351M, Trac loc HPD44, Detroit 9", 4.56's, 37 Toyo's, 17" Helo Maxx 6
awsome weekend

Attached Files Image(s)
68 Half cab
highly recommend going next year

Attached Files Image(s)
68 Half cab

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