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my mom
Long story short. shes 77 has diebetes bad, Alzheimers and other issues as well. she lives alone back in virginia.
She called this morning to tell me she has breast cancer. she has to go the 31st to have more tissue removed and dye injected to see if it has metastasized into the lymph nodes or anywhere. then minimum 6 weeks 5 days a week for rad therapy in danville. its 1 1/2 hr away. there is no way she can do that so i might have to start living in the camper sooner than i thought and in virginia. I could never live with her again, and she doesnt like people around because of the Alzheimers so parking the camper in the yard would be a good thing.
Eric. :rebel:
Sorry to hear about that Eric. You and her are in our prayers.
'72 TBA...
Things have a way of working out'll be in our thoughts and prayers
'73 EB
Sorry to here this Eric. You are one hell of a son for doing that. Please let us know how she does.
'74 Grocery Getter, '73 Project Buggy, '77 Parts Rig

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Eric, So sorry about your mom....Talk about "piling on" when it comes to life's trials and tribulations. Sounds like you purchased your camper just in time. Must have been "Divine Intervention" making you so anxious to buy one and get started with the repairs as quickly as you did. My mother is also 77 and lives by herself. She has diabetes and heart trouble, but thankfully cancer free and her mind is as sharp as ever....Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your mother as you help her deal with these illnesses. Confusedad: Confusedad:
Mike Edwards....74 Bronco ($ Money Pit $)
Sorry to hear it Eric. Thoughts and Prayers go out to you and your Mom.
Not a Bronco owner, but a Bronco enthusiast!

Doing big things......On leaf springs and 37's!

1984 CUCV Blazer 6.2 diesel, SM465/NP205 Dana 60, 14 bolt, detroits, recentered H1 double beadlocks, 37 inch military Goodyears.
Sorry for the all the bad news. Let me know if you need help with anything, we are here for you bro.

thanks guys and gals. I just need to get to this camper and start downsizing and packing. hopefully we will know more in a week or so.
Eric. :rebel:
Sorry to hear it Eric... Is there any other way we can help, in addition to prayers?
i dont think so Jayt. thanks
Eric. :rebel:

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