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ok, this is the last truck I will ever buy. Really.
Gosh I have not even gotten the FSB yet and you have fixed a lot already. Way to go.
69bronco Wrote:Gosh I have not even gotten the FSB yet and you have fixed a lot already. Way to go.

Thats cause you wont have to do anything but put a good batt in:bdent:
Spent half a day yesterday walking the salvage yard, finaly found a nice set of seats out of a escape that I liked. Shortend the mounts too fit, all that is left is drill the holes and bolt them in. Got the tub nearly ready, stripped down the hood and fixed up the grill. Found a hazard switch (with pig tail) out of a 70 pu while I was at the yard.
I also tore down the colum chuck gave me, I was able to repack the bearings and reassemble it with no other parts. :biggthumpup:
So to fit this truck I shortend the shaft and attached a colapsable double joint setup I had from a sentra. I even had a horn butten laying around, just need some little parts that hold it on to be done.
Next is putting the dash back on (after installing a radio) and then its onto the mechanical stuff (carb rebuild, fix sloppy shifter, install spare tire rack, driveshafts, Ebrake cables and hoses, change all the fluids).
I realy need a decent set of fenders (mostly the pass) if anybody has some??
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damn nice job Matt!!! I cant wait to se how it looks in one month!!! I know it wont be the same. tell me more bout this sentra steering shaft?? is that a simple and safer shaft for eb's?

what color will it be...primmer for now, or a color?
77 built 306,Trickflow Cam/Alum Heads/dome pistons/10:1comp,nv3550,duff long arms,3.5" lift,family cage,protofab rear bumper,twin sticked, and 35KM2'sG.D.I.
That's a lot of work in a very short time, looking good. It is nice seeing pics of progress. I always try to take pics, but always forget and usually end up with beginning and end shot's with no progress shots.

Is it going to be a pure trail rig, daily driver/trail rig or pure street?

'73 Bronco - trail modified
i believe he mentioned it as being a daily driver only...bone stock other than the mild lift on it now.
77 built 306,Trickflow Cam/Alum Heads/dome pistons/10:1comp,nv3550,duff long arms,3.5" lift,family cage,protofab rear bumper,twin sticked, and 35KM2'sG.D.I.
Yep, keeping it stock other than the lift. Going to tune it with in an inch of its life to get 20mpg out of it and make it my daily driver. That way I can sell the ranger. For now it will have to be painted gray primer as thats all I can afford ( this is the no budget build).
I have a guy in florida holding a roll bar for me but other than that is it. Realy using up my spare parts collection. Eventuly it will be red, with silver inside the grill area and the dash. I had a deadline of 2 weeks of body work (just about there) and 2 weeks for the mechanicals.
Which reminds me, anybody know how to fix the soft door windows. There all hazy, cant hardly see threw them???

heres a couple thoughts,tips,and products try those free options 1st lol
77 built 306,Trickflow Cam/Alum Heads/dome pistons/10:1comp,nv3550,duff long arms,3.5" lift,family cage,protofab rear bumper,twin sticked, and 35KM2'sG.D.I.
Matt when I drove it out to the first M&G I got about 20MPG then.
The steering ujoint assembly is something that Nissan had a recall on. Not a saftey issue but a noise issue, they were clunking but even the new ones did it too. I had a few after doing them on all the lot cars. Its a 3/4 double D on one side and a splinded end on the other. Paul had used a flat plate bolted to the remains of the rag joint. I ground down the shaft that was welded to the flat plate untill it fit into the splined portion, put the pinch bolt in and welded it inplace. Then I cut off the stock steering shaft, ground it down too fit the double D. Put the pinch bolt in and then welded it too. Now it has 2 ujoints with a collapsible section in the middle. The box on this is mounted in a funny angle so it realy is a must. I need to order my horn parts next week, I forgot too mention I also cut off the shifter knob on the colum. Jb welded the hole shut and put bondo over it. Filled the cracks in the steering wheel and will sand it all down next week and paint it. I have some graphite wheel paint left over from the 78 build, I think I will use that.
My $0.02 would be to paint it after doing all that work! Omni AU is pretty cheap. I think I had $115 w/tax and everything for paint and hardener, for a quart of red (expensive) and a quart of white. Single stage would be fine. Bet you could walk away fairly inexpensively and have it protected.

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