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Anyone Sick of these fuel costs?
Illegals get to benefit from many things from which their sales tax contributions go toward whether it be paved roads they drive on or the police that racially profile them.

Anyway, why the hell are we exporting oil to japan when we are importing most of our supply from outside the country. Maybe the real question should be, what quantity of oil are we currently exporting vs. what we are importing on a yearly basis?
'77 351w- Explorer EFI, 4R70W, 4-link, lockers, 4.56, 35" MT/Rs with a severe rock addiction.Confusedmokin:
Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.

[Image: sig2.jpg]
Timstrk Wrote:Taxes are not the answer to anything. Drunken sailors on shore leave, absolutely. They forget where their money comes from.
One obvious problem here is misunderstanding oil company profits. There is a vast difference between gross profit and net profit. Oil companies are running huge profits. Gross profits. Net for all of them is still around 9%. Right in the middle of the Fortune 500. Along with gross profits comes gross taxes, thank you democrats. Maybelline cosmetis has a higher profit margin than any oil company. I guess its ok to only make a profit on something no one wants.
The dems in Ohio have taxed every major business right out of the state. More corporate taxes are their answer to dwindling returns. Bye bye business. Texas has lowered corporate taxes and business is booming. Think about it people. Wait til the American Idol becomes president. Taxes will soar. 1040 form will be simple: how much did you make? line 2: send it in.
We need the Fair tax. Even 11 million illegal aliens will pay that when they shop at Kmart. What a beautiful system. Forced to pay taxes and refused any benfit because you are illegal. I know, ideal world. Never going to happen.


I was only saying, increase the export tax on oil. This will help force the oil companies to keep the oil here.
I wonder if Exxon, Shell and the rest of them are multi-nationally own or not? If so...could their profits be going overseas and their just crying poor? Where are all those billions going? Looking for a better source of energy? Building new refineries? (And yes they can, It will just cost them more. Most of them now are only running at 75%) Finding more sources of oil? (They have been capping wells for years)
I would guess no on all.
Cause it would cost them money.
Isn't free enterprise great!!!

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