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Anyone Sick of these fuel costs?
Message from Moderator:
These threads were imported from conversation sparked by JPs V-10 Mileage questions located at
Ok I have a 32' motorhome with Ford V10 gas motor...

Let me hear advice on better fuel economy...

I hope someone has real hands on with these...

Please help 6.5mpg is killin me and my chances on wheelin at any distance

Thanks for your time in advance.


This is your only option.

Complain about the current economy and fuel prices to your senators and your congressmen. Really that is all we can do. Register to vote and vote more competant people in office that actually give a sh*t. In the past year congress has only met 96 days and have done nothing. Our fearless leader says there is nothing he can do about fuel prices. Do you believe that? The vice president was the head dog at a large fuel company and is still on the board. Condalisa Rice has a tanker named after her. You be judge!!! I know this will stir up a hornets nest. I myself voted for George Bush. "Where have all the leaders gone?".As Lee Iacoca says.

We all need to get pissed off and voice your opinion.
You go Carl:gunshot:
He's right, when are our politions going to do something, when the country is at a stand still:bluboomteamenforcer
I have always said I will convert my rides to run on what ever is cheap and is good for the eviroment. I have even been told the hydrogen car has been produced, but exxon owns the pattend rights.:error:
Fuel prices have ruined most of my hobbies and projects, and its not like I dont mind just going for a hike or paddeling my kayake. Those are eco friendly things I enjoy doing, BUT I HAVE TO DRIVE THERE TO DO THEM:mad:
By the way JP, due to the size of your rv its going to get that kind of milage.
I have a regular cutomer whose brother is in charge of the development of the hydrogen fuel cell at GM. The military is currently using GM pickups with the technology and it works really well.

I am tired of settling for mediocraty by our leaders. Our four fathers are spinning in their graves because of it. When men were men things got done. Just think if the government was run like a business. They would be in bankruptcy or there would be new people running it. These ass holes work for us and spend our money like they are drunk sailors on leave and no one holds them accountable.

I am pissed :banghead:

I will no longer sit on the side lines and watch. I am getting ready to bend some ears.

I will be in touch with my senator and congressmen and the white house.

I will answer me.

Everyone has to do something. Do not sit by and watch your money, your lifes, and your futures go down the drain.

What are we leaving our kids with? Nothing but hearthache

My last statement is a true rant and may not make since.

you get my drift

I hate the gas prices but there is nothing I can do except vote for some other schmuck that will do nothing about it anyway.
'77 351w- Explorer EFI, 4R70W, 4-link, lockers, 4.56, 35" MT/Rs with a severe rock addiction.Confusedmokin:
Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.

[Image: sig2.jpg]
Why can't "we the people" run our own candidate on an independent ticket? They'd answer to the citizens and not to PAC's in Wash. We need to regulate the price of fuel in relationship to the profit of the oil companies. If they're not willing to build new refineries, then cut off the profits before they are squandered on the niceities of the good life. Give that money to promote conservation and education so we can put this country on top again and tell those arab boogerheads where to go!!
Psalms 27:1
Brazil is about 90% fossil fuel free. 15 to 20 years ago they started refining sugarc ane for fuel. I mean real fuel. So two things happened, their agricultural and farming economy is off the chart. Corn may not be the perfect cureall for us but switch grass may. Look it up on line. It's yields are much higher than corn and better for the environment and soil. It could be the answer.
Maybe someone needs to set me straight! Why are we in Iraq?

If we are guarding the oil wells with our military and the government is responsible for banking oil here in the states, why do the oil companys make all the money. How is the government paid for their services? Why can our government help dictate the use of it and it's price? The president said tshe only way to get prices down is with a magic wand. That is what you want to hear from our leader.

I'm am truly searching for answers. I hope this does not affend anyone but I just want to know what I am paying for with my taxes.
I managed to upset some people on another forum about killing and poisoning coyotes.
Oh well.

Someone get me straight:banghead:
I am through venting and will not post here again.
go cuz go go go cuz get um I got your back.
Waiting to build or BUY another legend! :thefinger:
Always an EB fan, lover and freak :notworthy:

1985 Yoda 4Runner :xyxthumbs:
The oil companies claim they are not building refineries because they are using the money to produce/ research future energy sources/methods. Whatever!!! What a load of crap which is evident in their annual earnings statements.

The only reason we are in Iraq is to prevent the place from going to hell in a hand basket because of what we started. The real question is why did we start it in the first place? No one really knows the answer for sure. Sad

Frankly, I do not mind being in Iraq because it keeps me employed Smile If it is not Iraq it will be N. Korea, Iran, etc. I bet it is cheaper to stay in Iraq than to start something new with another country.

Everyone knows where Citgo gets their gas, right?
'77 351w- Explorer EFI, 4R70W, 4-link, lockers, 4.56, 35" MT/Rs with a severe rock addiction.Confusedmokin:
Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.

[Image: sig2.jpg]
Chuzie stop with the black
Waiting to build or BUY another legend! :thefinger:
Always an EB fan, lover and freak :notworthy:

1985 Yoda 4Runner :xyxthumbs:

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