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There is no way I can debate anyone on this topic. I never took a collage level chemistry.
What I can say is the technology has been out there for years. Smokey Unick developed something like this back in the 60's.
It got the patent rights bought by exon/mobile.
I should be clear, we are talking about gas/hydrogen hybreds. Honda is currently producing one for sale in the us. When I was up in dc for the last of my nissan certification classes the instructor let us in on some of the new products we will be working with. One was the hydrogen hybred. He had been trained on its systems to start working on classes for us. (Nissan always follows the market). GM has been working on this system for some time.
The basics as I understand is the hydrogen added to the air intake makes the fuel mixture better. There for requiring less gas. the small hydrogen genorators we have made use 12v, and are the same as the ones you see on Utube. Our cost so far, $10.
We Have put one on a dodge caravan, he will be driving it home to night and will let us know if there is any better milage.
I encurage every body too to at least look at the web site,( and the utube clips(run your car on HHO). I will agree you cant run on just hydrogen, that is clear from the clips. He makes a welder with the gas.
Our technoligy is changing, fossil fuel can be replaced or modifide(hydrogen,nos) to be more efficent. I would love to see some of the corn,sugar fuels make it out to the US market. With the cost savings maybe I could afford to drive my rig again. Just my 2C, and I will let you know how it works.
How far can you drive your car on a quart of gasoline? If you get 20mpg you should go 5 miles? So your telling me you can make enough "magic gas" from a quart of water to supplement the gasoline and get say 10 miles?

Say you can supplement your fuel with a system. No your going to dump this supplemented fuel in the PCV port on the intake. How is the engine going to lean its air/fuel mixture to account for the added fuel? If you took a squirt bottle with fuel in it and sqeezed it in the port with the engine running you will cause an excessively rich condition. On a engine with a carburetor the only way to lean it is to change the jet.
'72 TBA...
How about a water fueled torch? Yes a "water torch", it seems to be a great idea. And it is used in industry. The jewelry industry mostly, because the hydrogen doesn't produce enough heat to do much more that solder nonferrous metals. There is not enough potential energy to really supplement...

Here is some good reading to get you started:

We had this discussion at work. My buddy even concocted a generator in his shop. He had to use two 12V batteries to get enough electricity to make his electrolyte peculate. The jumper cables started to get hot enough to make the insulation soft. That is how much electricity it was taking to produce the gas. He had a funnel over the container like a liquor still to catch his hydrogen. Then lit a propane torch above the spout to make it burn like a candle. He could never sustain a flame. It would spit, sputter, and pop, but never sustain a constant burn. Then after 7-8 minutes the electrolyte was spent. The water turned really brown and nasty, then quit bubbling. Hardly enough hydrogen was produced from a gallon of electrolyte and 24V of electricity to even make a cool science project.
'72 TBA...
If somebody didn't defy the "laws" of reason we would not be enjoying some of the things we take for granted today. I say with enough imagination and trail and error something could come from this, go for it Matt!!! Dang, Aaron, I didn't know you were so smart, way to go Bro!!!:xyxthumbs:
Psalms 27:1
Ok, first results are in.It worked! A 25% impruvment in gas millage. On the first trip! With some tunning we may be able to get more. This was a temporary setup, one jar, 12v power source. Same thing as done in the you tube video.
This was all I was looking for. The videos we watched refered to 30-40% increse, I dont know if we could reach that much. But 25% is a heck of a start. By adding the hydrogen to the fuel mix it burns the gas better(hotter,more eficently?) and there for it has used less. I dont have any aswers on how(I'm an auto technianConfusedcratchheSmile it works, it just does.:xyxthumbs:
I will be making one for mine in the next few days, I will let you all know how much it works on the ranger.
The one thing the web site kits offer is a spacer to help the 02 sensor from showing a lean condition. We will be getting a sparke plug anti fowler to space the o2 sensor out of the stream to help. We got that idea from one of the kits. :popc1:
Next my RV...did I mention MY RV!!!
Waiting to build or BUY another legend! :thefinger:
Always an EB fan, lover and freak :notworthy:

1985 Yoda 4Runner :xyxthumbs:
cuz1 Wrote:

It's easy for me to be supportive of T-Boone... After all I sure would like to see him give another $350 million to Okie State. I also, believe we are not managing our natural resources with a long term plan.

During my recent visit to India, it seemed like a majority of the Tata trucks that were powered by CNG.. at least that was what was marked on the bumpers. Why? India has a large domestic supply of natural gas. I know the Anadarko basin in Oklahoma, Texas, Colorado and Kansas has a huge supply of natural gas. Though keep in mind T-Boone has invested in the oil & gas industry for many years. In addition, Canada has a large supply of natural gas available. I recall many years ago, finding CNG at the pump in Tulsa, Okla and I recall UPS making a big deal of running there step vans off of natural gas in Tulsa. I assume that is still occurring today.. In addition, Cummins has CNG systems for engines that have been sold for many years with a special development group in Canada. I truly believe the recent events will drive us towards alternative fuels of many types. These are challenging times for all of us.. But I suspect America will rise and lead the way again to provide solutions.

We are still a country of great thinkers. I have had the pleasure of working with engineers from India & China.... Though we compete head to head towards a common goal.. America still leads the way with creative minds.

Funny thing about T-Boone's wind mills... I saw similar wind mills in India on tops of mesa type hills and at the bottom of the hills in the flat land was wheat that was being harvested with sickles!

There is an interesting global complexity to the problem...we are competing in a world economy…..for the same natural resources. Here’s a thought to ponder.... say we find a suitable alternative fuel that costs ... $3.50 per gallon equivalency to gasoline. We invest in that alternative fuel.. The US becomes independent of foreign oil supply... but the price of gasoline in China & India falls to $2.50 (non subsidized number)... Who wins? US because we became independent to foreign oil? Or the rest of the world we compete with because they are able to operate their country on a lower cost fuel.. Then what? I think we need a long term strategy to keep us 1 step ahead of the rest of the world. Many wars have been fought over land and resources..
'77 EB, 2.5" SL, 2"BL, Cummins 4bt, C4 w/Art Carr manual Valve Body, 35" BFG KM2s
johnpaulgolf Wrote:Next my RV...did I mention MY RV!!!

Did I mention I need this on my RV...Ford V10...come' on!!!:biggthumpup:

Waiting to build or BUY another legend! :thefinger:
Always an EB fan, lover and freak :notworthy:

1985 Yoda 4Runner :xyxthumbs:
I have a buddy doing a similar set-up with a jar. He gained aprox. 20% improvement on his mileage for less than $40. Something else - you can put them in-line so that they multiply one another and get even better mileage.
'74 Grocery Getter, '73 Project Buggy, '77 Parts Rig

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So can someone post up some actual numbers?

I'm usually not pessimistic, but the science behind the theory doesn't add upConfusedcratchhe:
'72 TBA...

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