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Couldent have put it better, if someone with out tags needs a day pass let us know before sat am(thats when I get all mine).
I plan to be at the Trading Post at 8 or so on Saturday morning and stay until the dinner. It'll be great to meet and put faces to all these names. Maybe next time I can camp (ok sleep in the Bronco on a mattress, these old bones don't like the ground).

1989 FSB Custom 5.0 5spd 3.55LS (and a few other Ford trucks.)
Since we are a week away I thought I'd throw out some reminders....

Prep your rig...

Check fluids, belts, hoses and tires. Make sure the spare is ready just in case.

If your rig is in need or some maintainance, get'r done before you carry it to the trail. Trail rides will definately remind you that you should have fixed something. If you are as familiar with Murphy as I am you know-the hard way.

You may want to consider carrying some tools or extra parts. Once again you all know your rigs and wheeling styles so prep accordingly.

I've been wheeling for 25 years and learned some lessons the hard way and try to plan accordingly. Some stuff I carry on the trail...

Extra U-joints and u-bolts
Tools that if I have to disasemble a truck I can
Jumper cables
Two first aid kits
two fire extinquishers
3 flashlights
hi'lift jack and lug wrench
2 tow straps
ratchet straps
leather gloves
tarp(laying in the mud fixing a truck sucks)
fuel line and clamps
tree strap

More tools in the tow rig with driveshafts, axle shafts, air compressor and other goodies.

Remember that someone may have to depend upon you, so cover your bases the best you can. If we all do this and incident does happen we can deal with it, without it turning into a biblical crisis.
1974, 331 stroker, Holley TA,Dana20 twin stick w/terra low gears, 456 axle gears, detroit in the rear, true track up front ,MSD ignition, 37x12.50 PJs, 9k warn-tabor
nc-fordguy is right. check all your fluids . go over bolts, re-torque lug nuts, check air pressure in your tires. bring several items to fix repairs with. pack a lunch. bring water. i carry two one gallon jugs of water on my rig. you never know when someone will over heat and need it. after you go over your rig, stand there and think it over again to make sure you didnt over look something. i rarely go out and dont brake something. knock on wood :lol: :lol:
Man ncfordguy you truly are a mind reader, I was in the process of writting a post with that topic. Since you have started I will just add a few things.
Saftey is most importent, please be sure to be as prepared for an off road adventure as you can. Each person needs to equip their ride with the spare parts and tools to work on thier own vehicle. While my self and many other trail leaders will be loaded with spare parts and tools, we may not have something you need. Especialy if a part is customized and only your ride uses that part.
Keep your own persanal saftey in mind too, with the cooler temps and open top trucks be sure you and your passengers are ready for the weather.
Comunication is importent, all trail leaders and tail gunners will have cb radios. If you dont have one please speak up. There will be some "loaner" setups to be given out as needed.
Medical concerns, if anyone has health issues that could be a concern please let my self or chuck know. We do have trail leaders with extensive ems backgrounds so if anyone has a problem please speak up.
Most of all, have fun. No worries, no one will be left on the trail. Big Grin
Another thought is that DST ends this weekend, so the sun will set pretty fast in the evening. There are no street lights on the trail. It can get dark, really dark in a hurry if your broke and trying to make a repair.

Not being pessamistic, just prepared. Most trail repairs are minor. But there are the occasional catastrophic failures that cannot be redicted. I will trailer my rig down, but it is streetable and can be driven home if we need haul a wounded rig home.
Not sure where this is supposed to go but we just registered for the last power site (site 16) small driveway but all the others were first come first serve. Will try to change upon arrival. Hope to see you all there.
Glad you can make it Robert.
Aaron you are the best, but why aint you campin Sad
Speaking of CB's

It's a good idea to install a filter. If you're around someone with a msd ignition(namely me) you'll get alot of static. This is like a ten minute job to install. I got my filter from Radio Shack. If anyone needs a part number post's to dark and windy to look under the hood
1974, 331 stroker, Holley TA,Dana20 twin stick w/terra low gears, 456 axle gears, detroit in the rear, true track up front ,MSD ignition, 37x12.50 PJs, 9k warn-tabor
I'm planning on arriving late friday morning/early afternoon in case some of you all want to hit some trails a lil early
1974, 331 stroker, Holley TA,Dana20 twin stick w/terra low gears, 456 axle gears, detroit in the rear, true track up front ,MSD ignition, 37x12.50 PJs, 9k warn-tabor

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