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Ok, I've called the people that want to come Sat and told them to come Sun. I have pulled all the parts tonight I am going to sell Sunday. I still have to take two sets of tires and have them broken down Saturday morning. I also have to do a few more things to the Bronco tomorrow after work.

So I figure at worst I can leave here Saturday morning about 10:00 and be at URE by 11:30 then wheel till dark. I'll catch up with ya'll on the CB and find out where you are and go from there.

Now was there anything left to bring for the dinner that I can bring?

1989 FSB Custom 5.0 5spd 3.55LS (and a few other Ford trucks.)
Hotwhlz, thats great man. Events like this are the spice of life :lol:
Its just great to sit around and talk broncos.
We will be stopping at lunch at some point and will probably be back at the main parking lot mid day.
As for what to bring, we are down to three things-
Charcoal brickets
Soda drinks
What ever you can bring would be greatly appreciated.
i have to work all day tomorrow but ill be there around 6pm. any nightriders out there ?
East Coast Surplus & Tactical
Thanks Matt, I really am looking forward to it. I'm gonna bring some drinks, ice, and I can bring a bag of charcoal and a chimney (I don't like using starter fluid).

1989 FSB Custom 5.0 5spd 3.55LS (and a few other Ford trucks.)
broncomania Wrote:i have to work all day tomorrow but ill be there around 6pm. any nightriders out there ?

<-----rock lights installed Big Grin
1974, 331 stroker, Holley TA,Dana20 twin stick w/terra low gears, 456 axle gears, detroit in the rear, true track up front ,MSD ignition, 37x12.50 PJs, 9k warn-tabor
its now midnight! I'm loaded and packed...Scott's meeting me @ 6:30 am...leaving out @ 7 am to meet Shawn and then hit the road. I will have my cell phone on 843-276-4468. I will try to check the site one more time before I leave out just incase.Chuck
77 built 306,Trickflow Cam/Alum Heads/dome pistons/10:1comp,nv3550,duff long arms,3.5" lift,family cage,protofab rear bumper,twin sticked, and 35KM2'sG.D.I.
Ya'll drive safe. See ya sometime Saturday.

1989 FSB Custom 5.0 5spd 3.55LS (and a few other Ford trucks.)
here is my #336-669-6956 incase anyone has any problems and needs help.
East Coast Surplus & Tactical
heading out now folks...everyone be safe on the road!!!!Chuck
77 built 306,Trickflow Cam/Alum Heads/dome pistons/10:1comp,nv3550,duff long arms,3.5" lift,family cage,protofab rear bumper,twin sticked, and 35KM2'sG.D.I.
Well it is 06:20 Sat morning, I'm loaded waiting on the rest of the posse. I'll see every one at the Dutch John parking area around 08:30.

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