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This is our winter ride held at Uwharrie before the park closes. The dates are NOV 9th-11th. Thank you,Chuck

This is very important for anyone attending the Nov.Run @ URE .
1.)You need to go online at
to reserve a camp site(with elec.) for the date of Nov 9th-10th-leaving on the 11th.
2.) You will have to sign up(register with their site-log in) in order to reserve online.
3.)I will usually be around the site 44
4.) Need to know how many people are going.
5.) If you like camp fires...bring the wood!
6.) Take a weekend to check out your bronco (i.e. brakes,4wd,bearings,spare parts,straps,electrical,winches,etc.) This is mainly for those who do not wheel often enough...and for those, who might be forgetful 8-)
7.) they do not allow beer...with that being said-if you bring it-dont show it off. Dont bring it in the coolers on the trails.
8.) would be helpful to have a working CB radio in your rig.
If any of you have problems reserving a spot, let me know and I will help you out.
9.) If you reserve something, print it out as proof when you get there.
10.) Maybe we could get some type of convoy going up there...I usually take Hwy 52 straight up though SC.
My cell phone is 843-276-4468
pager is 843-728-1606
UNF was going to have an earlier opening and closing date this year but at the last minute for whatever reason they are following the same schedule as previous years. Open 4-1 and clsoing 12-15.

You all wanna do this again on the second weekend of Nov?

Thats what I was thinking about doing Ed. Think the dates 9th-11th are good?Chuck

P.S. got the "Tail Thing" fixed :oops:
77 built 306,Trickflow Cam/Alum Heads/dome pistons/10:1comp,nv3550,duff long arms,3.5" lift,family cage,protofab rear bumper,twin sticked, and 35KM2'sG.D.I.
Good Job Chuck!!! I was starting to wonder about you all down there Confusedhock: Big Grin Big Grin

I think those dates will work fine. I'd like to work on co-ordinating things a little better with SORA. We had a killa grill out the saturday after the run and I wish the Bronco Bretheran could have made it.

This year will be different, last year was alittle new for me and a few others. There was no organization with this last event. We will have a goal...
1.)To do as many of the trails was we can do
2.)Have a time to stop for lunch
3.)Keep moving
4.)I dont know about everyone else, but I think the beer can stay at camp-not on the trails.
5.)There is no beer allowed in the park,camp ground-but it is your risk and should not make the group look bad.
6.)Know your vehicle, bring the spare parts you think you will need+tools.
7.)We will have a dinner in the plans.
8.)Everone needs a fire exstinguisher on board!
9.)We will have a time to meet and gather at the trail head....not around 10am. Everyone should be aired down and packing the stuff they need for the day.
11.)Should concider installing some type of CB radio in you rig...this way if we break up into smaller groups-we can stay in touch.
12.)We will have a club banner at the camp site, and ask that each member show others with respect, manners, as if you were the pesident of the club.
I'm not trying to upset anyone here, just placing some very needed rules for our next trail ride...This will be expected at each gathering and any trail rides coming up.Thank you,Chuck
77 built 306,Trickflow Cam/Alum Heads/dome pistons/10:1comp,nv3550,duff long arms,3.5" lift,family cage,protofab rear bumper,twin sticked, and 35KM2'sG.D.I.
Good list! I know the Zuki's will be there the weekend before. I've been trying to see if any other local groups are planning a trip that weekend. It can get a bit crowded quickly. Being prompt and organized helps out a lot. You can always figure on a traffic jam at the Kodac Rock. It just seems to be a hang out for most people.
There was almost no traffic there by the end of the day...we were on our way to K-rock when Lester's 1/2 cab broke a v-belt. Never made to there, but did make it back to camp 8) Chuck
77 built 306,Trickflow Cam/Alum Heads/dome pistons/10:1comp,nv3550,duff long arms,3.5" lift,family cage,protofab rear bumper,twin sticked, and 35KM2'sG.D.I.
That is another point, more so in the fall than the spring, that when it gets dark it is DARK on the trail.
yeah, might even need to install some rock lights too...just incase,Chuck
77 built 306,Trickflow Cam/Alum Heads/dome pistons/10:1comp,nv3550,duff long arms,3.5" lift,family cage,protofab rear bumper,twin sticked, and 35KM2'sG.D.I.
There's a list of equipment that one is supposed to have when operating an OHV on US Forrest service lands. Don't have the list handy but off the top of my head...

Fire extinquisher(ABC rating)
First aid kit
working flashlight
Valid tags and insurance

Some common sense items are

Tow strap
Spare tire
Tow points front and rear
Approprite Jack and lug wrench


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