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Upcoming URE workday July 20th!!
We NEED to repair 2 bridges on Dutch John. Thanks to all who helped out last month! 1 bridge should be an easy fix. The other needs a good bit of work.

I'm giving plenty of advanced notice. Please come out and lend a hand if you can! We will meet at 8:30 at the Outpost. (Gas station on 109).
Anyone?? Bueller??
I will probably be there.

'73 Bronco - trail modified
I should be able to
68 Half cab

I spoke with Rhett today. He is planning on it as well. Looking forward to it. It would be awesome to get that other bridge fixed. I might be able to take my new ride out there, if it arrives in time!
I spoke with Snappy. He said we should have 100' of cable, clamps, and 10 more logs ready for us. Look forward to seeing you guys Sat. I will be at the outpost (gas station on hwy 109) between 8:30-8:45am. Sign in is at Hunt Camp at 9
Well, 5 turned to 2. Work and family stuff. No worries. Clay and I did trail clean up and put some trail markers up. As a club, we have had a presence at 4 work days thus far for the year, which is a good thing. I'm planning to take next month off. Sept or Oct should start marking more 'heavy' work days. Please help if you can. We need to get those bridges fixed. If anyone gets a free weekend to lend a hand, let me know and maybe we can fix the 1 small bridge. I don't want to ride URE alone. 2 rigs or more together is always a good thing.
Yes, I was one of the ones who bailed. Ended up having to work at the shop. Truthfully, I think I would have rather gone to URE. But it's hard to turn down a paying customer. Skipping August sounds like a good idea. I like waiting til cooler weather for the haeder work days. I would be down for an off workday weekend ride with a bit of work.
'73 Bronco - trail modified
Talk to Rhett over the weekend and I plan on try to start making some of the URE workdays. I hope to get my Bronco running soon and then I can drive it up to help out.
Cool! I hope we can get a good bit done this fall. That said, aside from fixing the bridges, I don't know what else is needed. I hadn't ridden the trail in a little while. I hope to get out there in the next few weeks.

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