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Chuzie's '77 Project
The transmission is coming out for a overhaul. Chuck has directed me to someone who can do the rebuild for under $300 so I have opted to take that route instead of doing the rebuild myself considering the limited free time I have as of late.

Started to drop the tranny today. The last time I dropped my transmission was with my 3" body lift installed which has since been removed and extracting the tranny has been a PITA until I decided to unbolt the body and jack it up out of the way to get to those housing bolts on the back of the motor out.

Everything is disconnected and the tranny/xfer case combo is ready to drop but will have to wait until tomorrow since my time expired when the little ones woke up from their naps.

BTW- Always make sure your wheels are chocked before your remove the rear drive shaft. Need I say more?

More to come...
'77 351w- Explorer EFI, 4R70W, 4-link, lockers, 4.56, 35" MT/Rs with a severe rock addiction.Confusedmokin:
Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.

[Image: sig2.jpg]
Sweet daddy...I'm proud you are getting some stuff done...keep up the work...can't wait to wheel with ya...I am so ready to meet in person I will be at Chuck's next weekend...come on
Waiting to build or BUY another legend! :thefinger:
Always an EB fan, lover and freak :notworthy:

1985 Yoda 4Runner :xyxthumbs:
chuzie...the guys name is Joey(200-4043) tell'um I sent ya!!!
77 built 306,Trickflow Cam/Alum Heads/dome pistons/10:1comp,nv3550,duff long arms,3.5" lift,family cage,protofab rear bumper,twin sticked, and 35KM2'sG.D.I.
I also have a spare tranny better with one of those.
77 built 306,Trickflow Cam/Alum Heads/dome pistons/10:1comp,nv3550,duff long arms,3.5" lift,family cage,protofab rear bumper,twin sticked, and 35KM2'sG.D.I.
blazinchuck Wrote:I also have a spare tranny better with one of those.

Chuzie if that tranny jack is like the on we used it is well worth the trip to get it!!!

come by next weekend so I can :twak::box::poke:have some fun!!!:chili:in person with ya!!:biggthumpup:

Anyway that jack is badA...:notworthy:
Waiting to build or BUY another legend! :thefinger:
Always an EB fan, lover and freak :notworthy:

1985 Yoda 4Runner :xyxthumbs:
I will take you up on the jack when I go back up with the tranny here in a few weeks. I hate fighting it with a regular jack and straps especialply with the transfer case attached... what a nightmare. I will never do that again. Thanks for the offer.
'77 351w- Explorer EFI, 4R70W, 4-link, lockers, 4.56, 35" MT/Rs with a severe rock addiction.Confusedmokin:
Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.

[Image: sig2.jpg]
Found some time after work and got the tranny/xfer case down on the ground.

Word to the wise...

It is great if you know the procedures by heart since you have done the job a million times but it never hurts to reference the tech data just in case. I forgot to disconnect my NSS and it got ripped out so now I have something else to fix. Yippee.

One last thing- I came pretty close to crushing my hand today trying to jack up the body with a floor jack and a 2x4. When it slips it is quick and I got lucky especially considering I have a flight tomorrow morning. Try explaining that kind of stupidity to your boss.
'77 351w- Explorer EFI, 4R70W, 4-link, lockers, 4.56, 35" MT/Rs with a severe rock addiction.Confusedmokin:
Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.

[Image: sig2.jpg]
go boy go...think you can make it out this weekend?
Waiting to build or BUY another legend! :thefinger:
Always an EB fan, lover and freak :notworthy:

1985 Yoda 4Runner :xyxthumbs:
Only if you think you can find some batteries to put in your magic wand and have the tranny overhauled and installed by then.

Ain't happening bro. If I get a chance tomorrow I will split the tranny and xfer case, remove the bellhousing, purge the system and possibly make arrangements with the tranny guy for drop-off but with my schedule that is a total wag seeing as I don't land until mid afternoon and won't get home until well after that.
'77 351w- Explorer EFI, 4R70W, 4-link, lockers, 4.56, 35" MT/Rs with a severe rock addiction.Confusedmokin:
Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.

[Image: sig2.jpg]
BTW- I decided today that working on a rig with zero body lift BITES the big one so I am going to reinstall my 3" or at least as much of it that will allow me to clear the garage door. Smile

Screw this tight space BS!!!
'77 351w- Explorer EFI, 4R70W, 4-link, lockers, 4.56, 35" MT/Rs with a severe rock addiction.Confusedmokin:
Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.

[Image: sig2.jpg]

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