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Chuzie's '77 Project
Ok. Measured the case end play clearance and with the feeler gage I am showing slightly greater than the upper limit of .042 at .045 so it looks like I will be waiting for my dial indicator to get here so I can confirm this issue. If I do end up having too much gap I have to option of obtaining different thicknesses of no.1 and no.2 thrust washers for a fix which leads me to a few questions.

1. Are the thrush washers considered a wear item in these units? If not, what component is wearing and causing this out of limits gap.

2. If the thrust washer is a wear item, should I try and get the specs for my current washers and mic them to confirm they are worn down?

3. If I go get new thrust washers, what combination should I purchase? Do they come in a matched set based on thickness or am I piece mealing this to get my own desired thickness? If piecemeal, should I go for a no.1 that is thicker than the no.2 or vice-versa?

4. What thickness washer or better yet what end play do I want to try and achieve. There is a lot of limit in here .008-.042.
'77 351w- Explorer EFI, 4R70W, 4-link, lockers, 4.56, 35" MT/Rs with a severe rock addiction.Confusedmokin:
Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.

[Image: sig2.jpg]
Finally got a hold of my dial indicator today and measured the endplay at the top of the shaft and I am reading .012 BUT when I use my feeler gages at the sun shell I get .045 and my .012 feeler gage at the sunshell has all kind of room to play around and I made sure I got it in there real deep. What am I doing wrong?
'77 351w- Explorer EFI, 4R70W, 4-link, lockers, 4.56, 35" MT/Rs with a severe rock addiction.Confusedmokin:
Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.

[Image: sig2.jpg]
I would trust the dial indicator more than fealer guages. This measurment is kind of a big one. If any of the thrust washers dont have enough clearence it can burn up and break stuff(I have a planitary gear set as proof).
Thrust washers come new with most kits, but you may need to order a custome set if you are two high or low in the case.
Not sure what measuments they come in.
Summit Racing may be able to tell you. I have gotten my rebuilt kits from them and their help line may be able to give you a part number for the diffrent washer and a cost.
Take some pics, love to see some progress.
I ordered a full kit with selectives so I know I have various sizes to work with but like you said I need to be careful not to make it too tight. Going with the plan to correct the .012 rather than the .045 is the most conservative approach. Regardless, if i correct with .004 it will either get me down to .008 or .041 both of which will be within tolerance.

Pics on their way soon.
'77 351w- Explorer EFI, 4R70W, 4-link, lockers, 4.56, 35" MT/Rs with a severe rock addiction.Confusedmokin:
Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.

[Image: sig2.jpg]
btw- What is the consensus on using gasket sealer? The gasket kit came with mostly paper gaskets and luckily the pan gasket is cork. Should I bother with gasket sealer?

Also, any recommendations for assembly lube? I have some of the Lucas Oil Transmission Fix for lube and was considering either regular petroleum jelly (petrolatum) or joint grease to help the washer and other loose parts stay in place during the build-up.
'77 351w- Explorer EFI, 4R70W, 4-link, lockers, 4.56, 35" MT/Rs with a severe rock addiction.Confusedmokin:
Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.

[Image: sig2.jpg]
[quote=chuzie]btw- What is the consensus on using gasket sealer? The gasket kit came with mostly paper gaskets and luckily the pan gasket is cork. Should I bother with gasket sealer?

My .02 is I seem to leak with cork, but I don't with ultra black RTV.Confusedcratchhe:
General Jon
cork works well usually for the pan with a proper torque sequence. i am reluctant to use rtv because of the danger of overapplication and possible FOD inside the case if it were to come off. I lost an engine that way from the water pump.
'77 351w- Explorer EFI, 4R70W, 4-link, lockers, 4.56, 35" MT/Rs with a severe rock addiction.Confusedmokin:
Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.

[Image: sig2.jpg]
Does anyone have a bushing tool set?
'77 351w- Explorer EFI, 4R70W, 4-link, lockers, 4.56, 35" MT/Rs with a severe rock addiction.Confusedmokin:
Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.

[Image: sig2.jpg]
What size(s) are you needing? Assume you need to remove a bushing...will a socket work?
'77 EB, 2.5" SL, 2"BL, Cummins 4bt, C4 w/Art Carr manual Valve Body, 35" BFG KM2s
Most of them need to be pulled rather then pressed out and range from about 1" to 4.5". I may just have to pay a local shop to do it since I do not have the tooling.
'77 351w- Explorer EFI, 4R70W, 4-link, lockers, 4.56, 35" MT/Rs with a severe rock addiction.Confusedmokin:
Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.

[Image: sig2.jpg]

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