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Tranny took a dump on me :(
Yep, that's right folks. I guess the work dump may be a bit dramatic. I noticed that the truck seems to bog down starting from a stop and feels like it is stuck between 1st and 2nd. I have to either bump the throttle or manually shift to get it to slide into 1st. It is intermittent, not associated with temperature, and happens about 50% of the time. The fluid level was fine but I found it to be dark and may possibly burned. No major metal chunks, flakes, etc; just has the typical clutch material in the bottom of the pan.

I pulled the valve body apart and am cleaning it up which I did not do when I rebuilt it 2 years ago. Whoops! I also need to pull the governor off and clean that good as well, but I need to remove the transfer case to do that Sad

I am missing the pump screen (larger finger sized screen). If anyone has one, I would appreciate it.

More to come.
'77 351w- Explorer EFI, 4R70W, 4-link, lockers, 4.56, 35" MT/Rs with a severe rock addiction.Confusedmokin:
Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.

[Image: sig2.jpg]
you mean the pickup tube that goes to the filter? i might have one. will have to check. is it a stock type filter/trans pan? hope you get it fixed!

maybe it is just a bad vacuum modulator. did you try a new one?
Vac mod is good. This is a finger sized metal screen that goes into one of the passages on the tranny housing before you install the valve body. I got back on the road at midnight but she was acting weird in Drive like the band was not engaging at all. When I shift manually, I get all three gears. More to come....

Have I ever mentioned that I HATE transmission fluid!!!

Getting burned out so I hope I get it fixed today. The Bronco and I need some time apart.
'77 351w- Explorer EFI, 4R70W, 4-link, lockers, 4.56, 35" MT/Rs with a severe rock addiction.Confusedmokin:
Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.

[Image: sig2.jpg]

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