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URE Winter Workday Jan 23
Better late than never. The first of the 3 URE winter work days will happen Sat, Jan 23. Here is a copied and pasted message that Darren posted on NC4x4, which gives a guide as to what all is happening.

I went out this last week with Terry from the USFS and scouted some stuff to be done.

Pull rails from RML over to Daniel.
Pull rails from spray fields over to spots needed on a few different trails.
Cut back limbs from trails.
Mark trails better.
Put up rails on certain areas.
Pick up garbage in camp sites on trails.

And probably more stuff I have forgotten, but Terry will be sending out a better list here shortly.

Thanks everyone .

As for us, I would like to try and get some tires back on Kodak for one last time- not sure if that will happen, but I'd like it to.

We would be obliged to help drag some guard rail over to Daniel of course.

For Dutch John, I think we should take a good survey of the trail and see what all it needs. As always, thoughts are encouraged.

Things I can think of:

- add more guard rail to the area where Chuzie was working on his one tire on the Sunday workday during the Nov run.

- work on/try to fix the mud hole about half way through the trail. Maybe cart some rocks around to that area and fill it a bit.

- check the stream crossings

- clean up any trees that might have fallen

- check for trash (should be pretty good).

That is the main stuff on my list.

If you are planning to come, the trail passes are provided (no need to buy one for the day) and we will meet at the Outpost around 8:30-8:45 and will head down to Hunt camp to get signed it a few minutes before 9am. Please post up here if you are coming so that we know to look for you at the Outpost. Things to bring are work gloves, boots, some snacks and water/beverage. We will have some open seats for those who don't have a rig. Thanks!
My plans are to be there. I hope to have the new axles in and be rolling. If not I'll take a seat with someone.
Unfortunately I will be out. I have family coming to do a belated Christmas that weekend. I planned that the work day would be the normal 3rd Saturday.
68 Half cab
Well that sucks. Take them all out to URE for half a day Smile

Anyone else coming???
Well lets see - Friday 100%chance of rain, Saturday 40deg and cloudy with only a 20% chance of rain.
It's gonna be muddy, but why not, I'll be there with my boots on.

'73 Bronco - trail modified
It looks like my wish for nice weather is not gonna happen. Hopefully I can dress warm and have fun at the same time.
I guess winter had to show up sometime. I'll plan to see you guys there. If anyone else is coming, please post up to let us know. Been itching to get back in the woods.
Unless the weather decides to drastically change I am going to opt out of the workday Saturday. What channel 9 is calling for is a hi of 36 and 70% chance of rain/wintry mix for Saturday. Hopefully I will make it for the Feb workday.
Well if it isn't rainning I plan on trying to make it out as the truck has an issue with one wiper up and one down gotta figure out how to fix that. But also gotta get out of there in time to get back to Monroe, NC so if anyone has an idea of how long it takes to get from URE to Monroe that would be helpful.
I'm an hour from URE, door to door. Monroe would be an hour or hour-fifteen tops.

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