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URE Winter Workday Jan 23
I will be up there what time we gonna meet up 9 right?
William is coming as far as I know. How about Clay?
Oh do we need to bring any tools or such?
Broncitis Wrote:William is coming as far as I know. How about Clay?

Unfortunately I have to go to Atlantic city with gf for some family crap. Supper pissed I have been trying to get out of this for like a month. I really would rather be hanging out on kodak
68 Half cab
Clay once you start being led by the nose its all over. No use to struggle. LOL Looks like there will not be enough of us to get any real work accomplished. Maybe we should mostly ride and make plans for February work day.
Tools we might need would be some loppers (trimming branches), a pick-axe, trash bag(s) and shovels. I plan to bring a chain saw for any downed trees. Thoughts would be to check on the stream crossings, clean up any trash, and start working on the one mudhole toward the middle of the trail. We'd need to transport rock to it to fill it in and also dig a trench to allow water to escape from it. I'm thinking of holding off on putting more guard rail up til we have more folks.

So, if it is just us 3 (Willam, you, and me) what do the 2 of you want to do? We could skip it and plan on meeting in Feb or we could go and probably could round up some extra help from people there. The winter workdays usually have an excess of people there for the stuff that needs done.

I am cool with whatever you guys think but would like to know if I need to load my junk up on the trailer or leave it in the garage.
Doesn't matter to me a ton as I have to head to Charlotte to meet a guy on buying some more machinist stuff. If we head out there we could always do trash detail and check on streams then just play on Kodak the rest of the day lol.
I have one more maybe 2 coming with me. Loppers I do not have but do have a Lil folding limb saw. No pick either. Can bring a shovel. Mr Warner44 will be riding with me.
I got some loppers, a pick axe not the best head is loose but still works, also bringing a shovel.
Had 4 of us today. Roped an unwilling volunteer in a 4runner into helping as well Smile

Got some tail ditches cleaned, the big mud hole mostly drained, and moved a big pine tree that was blocking the trail. Weather was beautiful and trails were not very muddy.

Thanks Dwight, Warner, William, and Collin/kids (4runner). Who is in for Feb 20?

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