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ONEWYR's build thread
well today I finished everything up including finding out that I had the wrong ecu installed. I drove the truck up the road and had a really bad octane knock when I got on the gas it would ping really bad. so I thought great my new motor is f'd so on a whim I desided to change the ecu's and drove it again and it ran a hole lot better and no knock. the bad side is now that I put the exhaust back together I can hear the noises coming from the tranny I have noise in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 5th so my tranny is gonna die. I know this because a ranger I had after I got out of highschool did the same thing every gear eccept 4th shit the bed on me. so I will be looking for a new tranny.
the good side is i can crawl right up a tree, and I can spin all 4 wheels and this autozone clutch sucks so when I get a new tranny I will be buying a center force clutch. and I still have a vacum leak I have a looping idel and I can hear a vacum leak I think it may be coming from the intake.
I got the vacuum leak fixed, what a dumbass I forgot to plug the outlet that went to the automatic transmission. now it runs so freakin smooth I just need to get the other fuel line so I can stop the leak. As far as the power difference all I can say is WOW!!! I know a portion of it is the different gearing going from an auto to a manual but WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I love it so I retract my statement about if I had it all to do again I wouldn't have done it. I would gladly help someone do this swap and may do it again for myself.
Oh I forgot to tell you guys but I did some lookin' while I was under the hood yesterday and I compared the mass sensors between the 3.8 and the 4.0 after I cleared the vacuum leak I started to swap the mass housings and noticed that the sensor it's self was different part # but they were the same shape so for shits and giggles I pulled them off of the housing and swapped the sensors so it is still easier to get a cone filter on and with that and the fixed vacuum leak it is purrin' like a kitten I a can't wait till sunday so I can go see how she does in the mud and trail.
johnpaulgolf Wrote:WOW you've been working hard...great progress keep us posted...looks really good

Again...great lets go break it :hysterical:
Waiting to build or BUY another legend! :thefinger:
Always an EB fan, lover and freak :notworthy:

1985 Yoda 4Runner :xyxthumbs:
thats what I call..."NO stone unturned!"

great pics and progress!!!! Keep it up,Chuck
77 built 306,Trickflow Cam/Alum Heads/dome pistons/10:1comp,nv3550,duff long arms,3.5" lift,family cage,protofab rear bumper,twin sticked, and 35KM2'sG.D.I.
Now that the 4.0 swap is done I am gathering parts to swap out my drum 8.8 for the new disc 8.8 I found these on ebay
on ebayclick here
I also need to get new parking brake shoes and I am gonna get a new hardware pack so I can change everything in it I already looked at the seals and the look good. I also need to pick up some allen head bolts cause the hex bolts in the SOLID diff cover suck. I already recieved my new spring perches.
I also need to pick up a couple wheel studs. this will be a easy swap compared to my recent projects.
hey what can I say I can't leave it the same for to long people might get used to it or something
I hate the mofo's on ebay that don't respond to my messages after I do an instant payment I did a buy it now on the rotors with pads and paid instantly and the asshole will not respond to my messages about when I should expect to see my parts. I also picked up my new parking brake pads this after noon and I was gonna hold off on ordering the parking brake hardware kit but when I got home with the pads I couldn't find some of the hardware so I just got back from dinner and the parts store the hardware kit will be here on thursday. I got the axle up on a stand so I could work on it but that is about it I need to get the hardware so I can get the paking brake straightened out and then when the rotors get here I will get them on and do the calipers and then the fun task of making new hard lines on the axle cause the rear line coming from the body comes down way off center and I want it to be centered on the axle like my current 8.8 so my dad has the flaring kit and he let me borrow it once I get the other parts I will be fabbing up the lines. if weather permits I will have the axle swapped and go pick up another FM146 tranny this weekend.
I finally got my rear brakeline back from my buddy. When we did his lift on the cherokee the little bullshit brakeline drop bracket that came with is lift wasn't big enough so I let him use my extended line that i didn't put on yet but with me changing axles I planned on going ahead with putting that line in. So his extended lines finally came in and I went oven and cahnged out all of his lines while he messed with his tcase shift linkage. all I am waiting on now is the hardware kit that I will pick up tomorrow if it isn't raining when i get home I will start putting the axle together I am gonna pull the axle shafts so that it is easier to put the parking brake shoes on cause it was a real bitch pulling the shoes with the shafts in.
ohhhhhhhhhh baby these are some pretty rotors. today I pulled the axlle shafts out so I could install the new ebrake shoes and hardware that is the only way to put ne shoes on that thing. I waited around all day for the big brown truck but it never came to the house the dick head took them to my wife's place of employment cause it is down the road and no one is usually home when he comes so he just started droping all of my packages off with her. but anyways when she got home I put the new rotors and pads on all that is left is flaring my brake lines but I goota get a couple of the fittings off of my other axle to make them. I managed to haul the new axle over to the inlaws and weld the tubes to the diff case and as I finished the weld I ran out of wire but no biggie the guy that i installed the cherokee lift for said he had a roll of wire for me so he brought that by and now I am just waiting for tomorrow and see what the weather is gonna do if it is dry I will be installing the new axle. My plan is to get the axle centered and then tighten up the u bolts and tack the perches in and then pull the axle back out where I can work on it cause I gotta weld some tabs to hold the flexible brake lines since they were bolted to the old sway bar perches. I will get some pics up tomorrow after the swap. maybe do a bs writeup not like anyone really needs it. Shit I still need to work on the 4.0 write up that will probably never get done there is to much to write about and I think them bs write ups they did for TRS are a waste of time they give you just enough info to get you in over your head.
Alright that is all the old stuff you are officially up to date now I do have some tech on mods I have done but I will post that somewhere else but not right now.
And thanks chuck for the screen name change and the compliments you to johnpaulgolf
Today I took a different approach to setting up my new axle. last time I clamped the axle in a towed it over to the inlaws house where my welder was set up and welded everything. this time I went and bought a dryer cord and mayed a pig tail so I could use my welder at my house. That axle I screwed up the pinion angle and had to use 6 degree shims to get it right so this time i pulled the axle and put it on jack stands and clamped it down with a ratchet strap and set the perches and 0 degrees and then measured the flange on the pinion it was at 12 degrees with the 6 degree shims and that is what I want with out the shims so I set the new axle up the same way and layed out the perches and welded them in then I welded in some tabs for the flexible brake line mounts and got them mounted I flared the brake lines and then I pulled the SOLID diff cover. That was about all I got done with the rain and all so I went to lowes and bought some allen head bolts for the diff cover cause they are recessed and a real pain with hex head bolts. I also went to Auto Zone to get diff fluid, crush washers, RTV. This is the part that makes no sense to me. The '91 8.8 according to AZ requires 1/2 quart of fluid and a friction modifier and the 95 requires 2 2/3 quarts of 75w 140 synthetic which is 15$ a bottle. What a joke they are the same freakin' axle with the same L/S so why the difference? But anyways tomorrow I will put new fluid in the axle bolt on the cover adjust the e brake and bolt the axle back in then bleed the system and adjust the brake master cylinder then I should be good I am gonna have to get out to a junkyard and snag a ebrake cable bracket that is on the driverside fram rail so I can hook up the e brake.
wow, you been busy...I was under the impression all LS used friction additive??? Great write up,keep it up bro-you're on your way to a awesome rig!!!!Chuck
77 built 306,Trickflow Cam/Alum Heads/dome pistons/10:1comp,nv3550,duff long arms,3.5" lift,family cage,protofab rear bumper,twin sticked, and 35KM2'sG.D.I.

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